Growing list of worship events in SA before, during elections

Christians around South Africa are uniting in worship and prayer on the eve of the elections and on election day — and the list of events is growing.

We publish (in quite random order) below a list of worship events posted on the Facebook Page A Praying South Africa where event organisers are invited to post the venue, time, location and town of their gatherings. The list below was up to date at the time of posting this report — but do visit the Facebook page for latest event postings and post to the page if you are hosting an event.

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In Port Elizabeth, where Burn 24-7 is hosting a 24-hour prayer and worship event, Sara Thackwray writes: As our country prepares to elect leaders this week, lovers of Jesus from across the city will be gathering to worship the King of kings and entrust our nation to Him. Burn 24-7 is pleased to host this truly citywide expression of the Body of Christ in unity. The Burn 24-7 movement holds to the conviction that revival – and true change – requires the unity of The Church, across denominations, ethnicities, ages and languages.

On a critical day in our nation, when many may be divided by political parties, the Church will stand united and show the world the Father’s love. The upcoming prayer and worship event will start on Tuesday May 7 at 7pm at Word of Faith Christian Centre (Cnr Lily Street & William Moffett Expressway, Mangold Park). It will run for 24 hours, ending on Wednesday May 8 at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join in as and when able, with the freedom to come and go as needed over the duration of that time. As usual, a friendly request is made to those attending to please respect the attitude of worship while in the venue by keeping conversations to a minimum.

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Take special note also of some of the designated prayer times concerning the elections: Tuesday 7 May at 8.30pm and Wednesday 8 May at 6.30pm. This closing prayer time will be one in which the spiritual fathers and mothers of the city will receive prayer from the city’s intercessors. Some of these leaders will also be called upon to pray for the results and the effects of the election, as well as for righteousness in the governing of our nation going forward.

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For any additional information about the event, contact Peter Gooch on 083 657 4213.

Bergbron Gereformeerde Gemeente at the corner of Schoongezicht and Drakensberg Road, Bergbron, Johannesburg are hosting a United in Worship evening from 7pm onwards on Tuesday. For further information contact Louise Kruger at 082 290 557.

There will be a praise and worship evening with Simeon and Christo Schoeman at Touching Hearts Ministries at 7 Verglegen Street, Culemborg Park, Randfontein, Johannesburg from 7pm on Tuesday.

From 7pm until late there will be a “Call to Worship” national event at Beit Yeshua Messianic Congregation at 366 Pretoria Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, Johannesburg.

There will also be an event hosted by Pastor John Rushton of God’s Way Ministries from 7.30pm on Tuesday at 5 Rydal Rd, Westwood, Boksburg, Gauteng.

AGS, Lofoord, at the corner of Conradie and Langestraat in Upington will host a United in Worship event from 6pm to 12am on Tuesday

In Heidelberg, Western Cape, a worship night event will be hosted at Langeberg Christian Fellowship on the corner of N2 and Barrydale Road, from 6.30pm on Tuesday. The invitation reads: “Everyone is invited to come and be part of something big that God is doing in our country! We want to give thanks and praise to God for what He has already done and sing out His promises over our nation! All are welcome! :)

In Kirkwood, in the Eastern Cape, there will be an interdenominational praise and worship evening on Tuesday from 7pm at the corner of Isobel and Middle Street. ” All welcome. Let us unite, join hands and praise God for our nation,” says the invitation.

Everybody is invited to an election worship evening at the Okkie Smuts school hall in Stanford, Western Cape, from 7pm on Tuesday.

There will be a “United in Worship” evening at Richlands Church, in Richmond, Kwa-Zulu Natal, at 6.30pm. For more information call Janet Perry at 074 126 6107.

Nuwe Lewe Gemeente at 98 Joubert Street, Ermelo, invites everybody to an election praise and worship evening  from 6.30pm. For more information, contact Pastor Nico at 083 701 4041.

In Cape Town there will be a worship evening at Table View United Church from 7pm on Tuesday. The address is the corner of Raven Road and Waterford Road, Bloubergrant.

Also in Cape Town, First Century Vineyard Church at Unit 1, 10 Railway Road, Montague Gardens, extends the following invitation: “Praise and worship to our King of Kings, all Honour and Glory to our Father God. Time: 7pm0 on Tuesday May 7. All welcome.”

In Greyton, Western Cape, there will be praise and worship on Tuesday from 7,30pm at The Ladle Church in Main Road.

Cityhill Lighthouse Church will host an event at the Grosvenor Boys High School hall at 4 Moss Road, Bluff, Durban from 7pm on Tuesday.

In Volksrust in Mpumalanga, there will be a praise and worship evening at Victory Life Ministries on Tuesday evening from 6pm.

A half-night of prayer for the election and country will be held at Erfdeel Church, Riebeeckstad (Welkom), from 6pm to 12am on Tuesday. The invitation says: “We are going to start at 6pm with praise and worship and thereafter cross over to prayer for different aspects of the election and our country. There are going to be guidelines for prayer. You can come any time and leave when you wish. There are different options: you can pray on your own in the church or together with a group according to prayer guidelines.”
Dit is ‘n kom en gaan soos jy wil.

In Burgersdorp, Eastern Cape, everybody is welcome to a worship evening at Family Church from 6pm on Tuesday.

The Full Gospel Church in Zastron, Free State, will host a praise and worship service on Wednesday from 6.30pm.

Victory Family Church, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal invites everbody to a time of praise and worship at 21 Louis Botha Avenue from 5.30pm on Tuesday. For more info call 035 793 3404.

Solid Ground Church, in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, is hosting a Worship and Prayer Night from 6.30pm. “Let’s trust God for Revival in our nation! Coffee will be on the go from 6pm. See you there!” says the church.

There will be a half night of prayer at AGS Church at Sandbaai, Hermanus, from 5pm to 11pm. See the programme below.

In Roodewal, Worcester, Western Cape there will be a time of worship and prayer for the elections and nation at Moira House at 102 Stynder Street.

Woord en Lewe Church in Hoop Street, Jacobsdal, Free State, will host a national worship event from 3pm on Tuesday.

Prayer for the elections will also be held at the Dutch Reformed Church, Virgina West, Virginia, Free State from 5.30pm on Tuesday.

One Comment

  1. Thanks Andre !!

    Jesus establish your rule and reign over SA as we worship !!

    2 Chronicles 20 / Psalm 67“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.”
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭67:1-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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