Growing support for giant cross vision at Van Stadens Bridge

A view of Van Stadens bridge from the Giant Cross construction site,

A growing group of men and women from many walks of life is getting behind a vision to build a giant cross opposite Van Stadens Bridge to give motorists hope in their daily lives and to deter suicide jumps off the bridge.

Jeffreys Bay publisher, Robbie Hift, who is mobilising support for the project said progress is being made in preparing the construction site, securing building materials, and designing the 15m high cross which will stand on high ground on the seaward side of the 140m high bridge. A bank account run by St Nicholas Anglican Church in Port Elizabeth has been allocated for donations to the cross construction fund.

The cross will be clearly visible to all people using the bridge. At the foot of the Cross  huge letters will boldly yet simply say the words: “Jesus Loves You.”

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Reminder of God’s love
Hift said: “All people need to be encouraged and to be comforted and to be reminded by the knowledge that there is a great and loving God who cares very, very deeply for each of us. He is the God who is mighty to save us in each and every situation. The symbol of the Cross stands to remind us that above all, God is a God of Love!”

He said the landowner of the high ground on which the Cross will stand has been extremely generous. The farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous, has harnessed his work force, his tractors and a team of men with chainsaws to cut a wide road through the bush to the site where the cross will stand. From the bridge you can already see the extensive area that has been cleared of bush.

Several prominent businesses in Port Elizabeth have offered to provide some of the building materials that will be needed in the project. Revolutionary new building materials and solar technology will be used to build and to light up the cross to make it clearly visible to all.

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Both an architectural technologist and a structural engineer are busy designing this Cross which must be capable of withstanding winds of over 100kms per hour that sometimes rage through the valley, he said.

Long-term vision
Hift explained: “This is not some flaky religious “do good” project. We want your children’s children to look at this giant cross and to be encouraged. The people who are making this project come alive are simply concerned that far too many suicides have already happened. We feel for the pain of the suicide victims. We stand in sympathy for the sons and the daughters and the spouses who are suffering because their beloved mother or father lost hope and jumped off the bridge. We want to give new vision in a world where people are suffering and often confused by their circumstances. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he who keeps the law, he is blessed.

“This is a win-win project,. We all want to see the miracle happen where people lose the desire to jump off a bridge because they suddenly realise that there is an answer to their problem. No matter if the problem is financial or health related or family or emotional or it is substance abuse, God is the answer. You just start talking to your great Creator and immediately He starts showing you what you should do to triumph in your situation! It doesn’t matter how low you have fallen, God is always there for you, wanting you to succeed, willing to forgive you.”

He said:“The Giant Cross project certainly needs the help of many people. You may hold the key to something important that is needed to build the Cross. So if you are willing to help with your time or some money or some building materials or some transport or your two hands, we would love to hear from you!”

Anybody willing to help should contact Hift at and say what they can offer. Donations to the project fund can be deposited in the special bank account. The account details are:
Account Holder: St Nicholas Church
Standard Bank Port Elizabeth.
Branch Code: 05001700
Cheque Account: 080023649
Reference: clearly state the words “Bridge Cross.”


  1. This is a great idea anything to spread the name and what JESUS means to people.

  2. I am always amazed and in awe when fellow believers get up and do things in the name of our Lord. Praise God for all of you.

  3. Augustine Vorster

    wonderful to read your step by step description of how this came about – God is so faithful

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