Healing and reconciliation at heart of National Day of Repentance vision

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan…supports the call for national repentance.

“South Africa is a nation desperate for God’s intervention, according to the National Day of Repentance (NDR) vision document.

The NDR vision says one thing our country needs to do is to repent and turn from its wicked ways – the nation needs to change its mind, which is the meaning of the word repentance.

“As a nation, we have failed to acknowledge Him in all our conduct. Killings are increasing; corruption is rampant, and many other evils are causing destruction. Change starts with prayer,” states the NDR vision.

“As believers we are a New Testament priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9) that need to intercede and stand in the gap for our Nation that is morally and spiritually falling apart. The Church is called to take the initiative, to lead the nation to repentance so that healing can commence.

“This is what the Lord says to us as Christians, who bear His name, in: 2 Chronicles 7:14 ‘if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land’.

The Lord is calling the nation of South Africa that is 80% Christian to come to repentance before Him. This starts with first humbling ourselves and then praying fervently. The responsibility is ours to come back to The Lord with repentant hearts,” adds the NDR vision document.

National week of prayer and healing
All South Africans are encouraged to participate in a national week of prayer and healing from September 7 to 12, 2015 leading up to the large corporate gathering on September 13 in Bloemfontein.

“Importantly, a major focus of this day and week is RECONCILIATION – all kinds of reconciliation that would contribute to restoring the Church’s Prophetic voice in SA. The Lord says in Jeremiah 15:19 ‘if you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be My spokesman’,” says the NDR vision document.

In an article entitled Repentance and the Way God Calls Holy Francis Frangipane says, “There is far too much compromise among us. We need a breakthrough into brokenness”.

“A move of God is coming, but it will only be as deep as our repentance prepares us.

“Some measure of repentance always precedes the coming forth of the living Christ in a person’s life. To ‘prepare’ and ‘make ready’ is the purpose of repentance.”

The Boet Troskie Hall on the campus of the Central University of Technology (CUT), Bloemfontein is the venue for the National Day of Repentance on September 13.

Frangipane emphasises that true repentance is to turn over the soil of the heart; “it is to prepare the heart for a new planting of righteousness or directives from God”.

He stresses that true repentance, takes time and, in most cases, perseverance. He reminds that John the Baptist demanded men keep with repentance until fruit was manifested.

“And if you will be holy, you will continue in repentance until you are holy,” says Frangipane.

He says it is not God’s wrath that speaks to us of repentance; it is His loving-kindness.

We have been promised, ‘He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 1:6). As long as we desire to be like Him, His rebuke will be a door into His presence,” says Frangipane.

As Esther, in the Word of God, prepared herself, so shall we as the nation of South Africa, according to the NDR vision document.

“She positioned herself at that time to go before the king to plead for her nation, and so shall we go before the King of kings to intercede for the nation of South Africa,” says the NDR vision document.

Identifying with sin of the nation
However, the NDR reminds us that as the Body of Christ in South Africa we identify ourselves with the sin of the nation even though we might not have committed the sin.

“It is important to note that our mission is NOT to carry the sin or take it upon ourselves. Jesus already carried the sin on the cross for all mankind.

“So, based on that (and James 5:16a), we can therefore go into the Throne Room of God and plead for mercy for the Nation. Hebrews 10:19 says “…since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.” Also, as part of this and because of the blood of Jesus, we ask God to cleanse our own hands and purify our hearts (as Psalm 24 and 1 John 1:9 says).

“Notably, this is not done with a guilt-mentality; it is done because of the victory of Jesus on the cross,” says the NDR vision document.

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan wholeheartedly supports the call for national repentance.

“My heart is for repentance, it is what I am seeing, talking and preaching. Matthew 3:8 says, ‘Therefore, bear fruits worthy of repentance’, which is the bottom line.

“If people don’t repent then there is no healing. Another word for repentance is saying, ‘I am sorry’, which takes humility, but pride is probably the biggest enemy for every man.

“It was pride that got Lucifer banished from heaven when he thought he was as good as God.

“We have to humble ourselves and repent from our sins and those of the nation,” says Oom Angus.

The NDR emphasises that sin gives legal right to the enemy saying that with all the foreigners being killed, farm murders, tribal hatred, and many other sins the enemy plans destruction for South Africa, but we know God wants to bring restoration and revive it.

“Forgiveness of sin cancels the accuser’s legal right on people,” says the NDR vision document.

“However, the NDR says this does not mean that all that is needed is for Christians to pray for sinners, it also requires sinners to repent of their sins and turn to God. But only when the Church leads the way, the world can follow.

“When we humble ourselves before the Lord, then the world will bow. Change depends on us.

“South Africa as a Nation has lost purpose. Sin (hamartia) means ‘to miss the mark’. So we need to repent and turn away from it and rediscover God’s purposes for the nation. Jesus Christ came to restore purpose (Matt. 1:21 AMP); He came to bring new life, which is exactly what South Africa needs!

Oom Angus agrees: “If the nation repents, led by the government, then God will move in with blessings”.

‘Last continent standing’
“I firmly believe that the last continent standing for Jesus Christ before His second coming will be Africa, because the African people are prepared to repent and humble themselves, which is reflected by the Government of Zambia holding a National Day of Repentance on October 25 that will have the current President and two former presidents in attendance humbling themselves in repentance before the Lord.”

Invitations have also been extended to Presidents of neighbouring countries.

Oom Angus says African countries are taking the bull by the horns and leading in humbling themselves and repenting before the Lord.

“It is time for us to repent. I support the call for national repentance and endorse it. We need to start repenting in our own lives, in our own homes, churches, communities, schools, workplaces, districts and nation,” he urges.

Like Oom Angus the NDR vision document emphasises that repentance is for the whole Body of Christ, standing in accordance, putting aside all self, and focusing on the nation in its entirety.

“It is an inter-denominational initiative. The NDR calls upon ALL Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Community leaders, Business leaders and all Christian leaders to join hands in preparing for this Day of Repentance & Reconciliation.”

The NDR is targeting everyone living in South Africa, whether a citizen or a visitor within the borders of the country, as well as all Governing Authorities in the different spheres of society.

The aims of the NDR are:

  1. To see the Nation healed and transformed, and the different components of our society living in Peace and worshipping the One and only true God.
  2. To see the Church stand up and take her position as the Prophetic voice in the Nation, working together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and bringing restoration in South Africa.
  3. To compile a document and submit it to Government to be (a) implemented and taught within the Schools, to teach the youth how to live in unity with one another from an early age. This document will be based on a Godly lifestyle that is to love one another as you love yourself. To respect others as you would like to be respected. To do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. (b) a proposed guideline document for the Government with regards to implementing policies, values and standards in the Nation based on Righteousness and Justice.

The NDR encourages Churches and Christian groups in South Africa, to take part in this historic and Divine appointment by mobilising people to intercede on behalf of South Africa from September 7 to 12 and to join the big gathering in Bloemfontein on September 13, 2015 from 12h30 to 15h30.

We welcome your input, wisdom and initiative, as led by the Holy Spirit, to cooperate for the Lord’s glory,” says the NDR!

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Joel 3:9; 1:14; 2:13 wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up.” And “call the people together for a solemn meeting. Bring the leaders and all the people of the land into the Temple of the LORD your God, and cry out to Him there.” And “rend your hearts and not your garments…”

People wanting to attend and be part of the National Day of Repentance on  September 13 in Bloemfontein can book free tickets on i-Ticket.com.

For more information email info@repentance-sa.co.za or visit www.repentance-sa.co.za or Facebook: National day of Repentance.



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