Healing Rooms Africa reaches new frontiers

Healing Rooms Africa director Carol Campbell, right, with Pastors Deborah and Dennis from Cameroon, during a visit to Kigali, Rwanda in 2017 (PHOTO: Facebook)

I recently caught up with Carol Campbell, the Cape Town-based director of Healing Rooms Africa, an interdenominational Christian ministry that promotes restoration and healing as a normal part of Christian ministry.

Carol has travelled extensively in South Africa, Africa and beyond to set up healing rooms, to train believers in healing ministry and to learn from leading healing ministers.

I asked her how Healing Rooms Africa has coped over the past extended season of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

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She replied: “Healing Rooms Africa has experienced a whole new way of connecting and seeing people healed via Zoom. Never before have we been able to connect with so many people from around the world at one time!

“We had 10 Africa Healing Room conferences last year, with international and local guest speakers with up to nine nations participating. Even China!

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“God is using this time of Covid to spread the Gospel far and wide and see Jesus get His full reward. We have been able to connect with individual healing rooms teams to bring new teachings, share testimonies and pray for each other.
God is everywhere and we have seen amazing testimonies.”

She shared some recent testimonies, which you can read below — and she also invited readers to visit the Healing Rooms Africa Facebook page where they “can read encouraging nuggets and testimonies and see the dates and details of the healing conferences. It’s an open meeting and all are welcome to join and to bring the sick to be healed”.

She recounted the following recent healing testimonies: “Recently we have seen a man who was suffering much pain as he needed to have a hip replacement, but was apprehensive to have an operation during Covid. He was prayed for and was healed! He could walk freely, bend and do things he has not been able to do for ages.

“A woman with arthritic colitis, experiencing pain in her lower back, abdomen and down her legs, felt a warm tingling throughout her body and after the second prayer she was pain free! Her stiff neck was sovereignly healed at the same time.

“Mel had brain surgery for a tumour last year and has has experienced a tightening in her head ever since. They could not remove the whole tumour and they saw white spots in the area of the tumor which indicates ‘trouble!’ With prayer, the tightness disappeared and she has subsequently had scans showing that the tumour has shrunk and the white spots have disappeared! Hallelujah!

“Sally has rheumatoid arthritis in her hands. She testified: ‘I had rheumatoid arthritis in my hands for many years until just-now! I was healed during the meeting. I now have no pain or stiffness in my hands anymore!'”

Carol summed up her heart for healing with these words: “My passion is for people to know and experience who God is, His heart for healing and to believe and appropriate the finished work of the cross. Healing is our inheritance! Heaven is our model and we should not accept anything in our bodies that does not line up with heaven’s reality! Amen.”

Website: www.healingafrica.co.za
Facebook: Healing Rooms Africa
Email: carol@camdekon.co.za

One Comment

  1. Carol what a wonderful exciting testimony. And how encouraging.
    Bless you

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