Help available to get your comments on Hate Speech Bill in by January 31 deadline

forsaFreedom of Religion SA (FOR SA) has prepared a sample submission on the Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill which churches and individuals can copy or adapt and submit to government by January 31 2017 which is the deadline for submissions.

With its very broad definition of hate speech, FOR SA is concerned that the bill poses a threat to religious freedom and freedom of speech and urges Christians to make their voices heard by commenting

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The sample submission is available at the following link:

FOR SA advises that the contents of the sample submission can be copy/pastes onto an organisation’s own letterhead, and personalised by adding in a few details. Or the document can be used as background information for writing up original submissions.

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The bill can be downloaded at – scroll down to and click on “Hate Speech Bill”. For practical tips on writing submissions, visit

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Once the submission is completed, it can be submitted in one of the following ways by no later than the deadline date of Tuesday January 31 2017:

1) If delivered by e-mail, send it to

2) If sent by fax, send it to 012 – 406 4759.

3) If forwarded by post, address same to:

Mr T Ross

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

Private Bag X81



4) If hand-delivered, deliver same to:

Mr T Ross

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development

Salu Building

316 Thabo Sehume Street (cnr of Thabo Sehume and Francis Baard Streets)


  • Further action to defend religious freedom and freedom of speech can be taken by signing two FOR SA petitions relating to the Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill and the CRL Report respectively, which can also be found on the FOR SA website (

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