Help needed to light up cross at MMC Eastern Cape

The 14m Cross of Hope that has been erected on the farm, Mooi Uitsig, near Jeffreys Bay, overlooking the new venue of the Mighty Men Conference Eastern Cape from March 8 to 10.

A new, 14m-high steel cross crowns a hill overlooking the new venue of the Mighty Men Conference Eastern Cape on the farm Mooi Uitsig near Jeffreys Bay.

The inspirational structure was completed in time for the MMC EC from March 8 to March 10 through the commitment of a team of local, Christian men, who spent the last six months resourcing, planning and building, said Robbie Hift, a member of the MMC committee.

Hift, who is the coordinator of the cross project explains, “This brand new steel cross is very similar to the Cross of Hope that I coordinated and built on top of Van Stadens Mountain near the N2 in 2013. This year, we are planning to host as many as 15 000 people at the conference at Mooi Uitsig, and there is only one person, whom I know of, who can successfully coordinate such a huge event.

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“His name is Jesus Christ. So it makes a whole lot of sense to build a giant cross at the very centre of such a huge event. We believe that 15 000 people need to be encouraged, and that it is only Jesus Christ who can give you new life, new hope, rebuild broken lives and broken relationships and rebuild broken families.

“It is only Jesus who can work miracles. That is why the Cross of Hope stands in the very middle of this mega conference.”

Hift continues: “A team of dedicated Christians started in April 2018 planning, resourcing and building this new 14 meter high Cross of Hope and on 19th December 2018, we erected the new cross on top of a hill overlooking the main valley where the conference will be held on the Mooi Uitsig farm.

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“Macsteel has partnered with us in the provision of white sheets of Chromadek to cover the sides of the huge cross so that it will be visible from miles around.

“The cross needs to be visible at night time too. We, therefore, request the assistance of our community and anyone who wants to contribute to what the Lord is doing in the Eastern Cape.

Solar lighting
“We need someone to supply or partner with us in the provision of solar lighting for the cross. In real terms, the cost of the equipment is around R20000. However, if many of us contribute just a little of this amount, or some of the materials, then we can light up this cross so brightly, you will need sunglasses at night to look at it!

“You may use my email address, if you would like to help. We will use the bank account of the MMC to assemble funds which are donated. My email address is”

Donations may be paid into the following bank account:

Name of account: Prov 4 23 NPC
Bank: FNB
Account Number: 62701151053
Reference: your name

Eugene Genis, executive leader of the Mighty Men Conference team says: “The Mighty Men Conference Eastern Cape will be held will run from 8th to 10th March 2019 and everyone is welcome to become involved in this community and life-changing event.”

For more information about the Mighty Men Conference Eastern Cape,

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