Help needed with preparations for Mighty Men Jeffreys Bay 2020


“For this reason I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.” — Mark 11:24 (AMP).

The Mighty Men Jeffreys Bay 2020 team are appealing to the community to assist with expansion plans for next year’s event from March 13 to 15.

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“We are extremely humbled and thankful to the Lord that He provided the necessary funds in order to host our last event,” said executive member of the MMC Eugene Genis.

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He said the success of last year’s event had prompted the team to start preparing for the 2020 event. Thanks to many who contributed towards this year’s MMC they were able to put basic infrastructure in place for future camps.

Genis said: “It is our desire to build and to expand the facilities for the benefit of all attendees and our hope is to be able to do away with the cover charge of R50 per person as soon as possible.

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“There are enormous costs involved with preparing and hosting such a huge, godly event where lives are being transformed and people are being reconciled towards our Heavenly Father through their acceptance of Jesus Christ.

“We are therefore appealing to the community to become involved and to assist us in the next phase of expansion.”

The wish list for the expansion campaign is:

Mobile toilets:
Due to their great success in 2019 we are looking to buy at least one unit (a cost of R50 000) and to hire two more. All three units would, therefore, cost R150 000. It may not sound like it, however, R50 000 per mobile toilet unit is a massively reduced price.

Please pray for funds and people with open hearts so that they may contribute towards this project.

Increasing the size of the camping area:
We have already started deforestation of additional camping ground by mulching the area.

In order to remove remaining root stems, we are in need of a road grader from the end of November until December. The grading needs to be completed by the end of December so that groundcover can grow back before our March 2020 event. Ground-cover helps keep dust to a minimum.

Additonal showers/ urinals:

In order to aid easy access to showers for all campers, we plan to reduce the total number of showers and spread the remaining out across five key areas. Our wish is to build 6-head shower/urinal combination structures, each with a water point. A common wall will separate the shower/urinal, reducing costs while providing a better (and permanent) structure for years to come.

We require:
a. Bricks, cement and shower pipes.
b. TLB (½ day) time with help for foundation digging at various points.

Water pipeline extension
We have some extra piping which we will use to branch off from the main line to the various new shower/urinal structures and water points right across camping area.

We need:
a. TLB (1 ½ day)
b. Pipe connections.
c. Sea sand / river sand for ± 100m of blue pipe to be laid on sand bed.
d. Hands that know how to lay pipe.

Solar LED lights ? ?
We have identified areas in the campsite where Solar LED Flood lights can be fitted.

The solar setup reduces the need for power cables and generators. They will be installed high enough on Eskom poles in order to prevent theft.

We need:
a. 6x 60-100W SOLAR LED lights (R900 – R1400 each)
b. TLB (½ day) time to plant poles

Day visitor parking segregation:
We would like to add an extra fenced-off corridor within the day parking area to better control traffic flow to and from guest speaker sessions.

We need:
a. 40 x 1.8m Tar poles + 80 x 1.4m droppers for fencing (we have enough steel wire)
b. 100 x plastic Insulators to be able to put power on fence to protect against cattle etc.

Vendor’s toilets and backstage area:
We would like to construct rmanent lavatory units, one in the vendor area and one backstage. Each will have two toilets and basin and their own small septic tanks.

We need:
a. Bricks, cement, zinc plate, 4 x toilets, 2 x basin, wooden beams for roof structure. 2 x plastic septic tanks.

“If you are able and would like to partner with us or contribute (in any way), you can also contact us via our website or via our Facebook page.

“It would also be a great help if attendees were able to purchase their tickets from our website (available now) as the funds will go a long way to helping us achieve our goals in anticipation of our next event starting on the 13th of March 2020,” said Genis.


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