Holy Spirit takes over at start of MMC WC as men hunger for Jesus

Men, women, boys and girls under a sweltering sun at the Sunday morning service at the MMC WC 2016.

[notice]Piperjames, public relations spokesman for the Mighty Men Conference Western Cape, reports back on the three days of ministry and fellowship at the recent MMC near Malmesbury.[/notice]

On Friday morning September 23 and into the afternoon of that same day we saw a steady influx of men and boys coming to Moreson Plaas, near Malmesbury. This was the same farm that hosted the MMC WC in 2015 and which will also host the up and coming 2017 event. Dates for next year are Friday September 29 until Sunday October 1.

MMC moments.
There was great excitement in the air at this year’s event –especially in the Market Hall / Large Barn that housed all the vendors. Everyone was treated to live Gospel guitar music there — a real West Coast welcome which went on for several hours as the men set up their camps and popped in and out of the barn to say hello to the Exco and buy food and drinks. All this took place leading up to the evening praise and worship session.
Due to the steady build-up of traffic coming into the farm and a long tailback from the direction of Cape Town to the farm gates on the N7, the event started half an hour late — at 6.30pm — to give everybody the chance to hear and see everything.
Final preparations of the stage before the start of the conference on Friday September 23.
To help herald in revival for the the Lord Jesus Christ, worship leader Dewald Gouws and his musicians began to warm up from 5.30pm. They continued to roll on with this, as the Holy Spirit took firm hold of all that was happening. We had not even started, and the men and boys were already hungry for the Lord and asking when they could give their lives to Jesus. There is a huge hunger here in the Kaap — that’s for sure.
As the “vibe” for want of better words increased, a sudden burst into song from each and everyone in attendance started up. We had not even reached the now-changed start time and main part of the introductions.

All the promotional videos and other clips scheduled to be shown before the main event, were simply left out. There was electricity in the air, that’s for sure, and interaction between musicians and crowd intermingled to a point where we had no control at all.

The Holy Spirit took over and threw our plans out. Months in the making. Who were we though, to challenge the Holy Spirit?
Bertie Cloete, left, and his M2M runners posing for a picture after their relay run from Table Mountain to the farm.

Eventually the ‘MC” for the weekend, Piperjames, had to walk forward and indicate a start. A natural take over ensued and after introductions and an opening prayer from Jacques Malan from Father’s Voice, Mighty Man Charl Bernard began to speak about fire and how fire is important in the walk that we all have with God.

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Charl brought a sound message, and this subject moved into the real flame that had been carried from Table Mountain to the Mighty Men at the farm, by Berie Cloete and his valiant band of brothers (and in some cases, sisters too, along the way) as they had run from the top of Table Mountain to the start of the conference. They had been running all day long.

Crowds at the Saturday afternoon event.

It was an amazing sight to see the team, accompanied by a young man in a wheelchair, moving through the middle of the crowd, bringing in the flame at the end of their brilliant athletic endeavour.

This was also a birthing of a new ministry of Bertie’s, called M2M — Mountain to Mighty Men– which will become an annual event coinciding with the MMC WCs into the future.

Dewald and his band restarted with praise and worship. Dewald then introduced Zane Meas who brought the Word of God to the men. The men listened to inspiring words akin with what Uncle Angus has been teaching around the world; a man’s rightful place in the home according to scriptures.

Zane finished off with an altar call and after being received in the ministry barn after the evening service, the men went off to the campsites. Singing and laughter could be heard right until at least 02am on Saturday.

The men dance as Dewald Gouws sings Cape Coloured Christian songs. A wooden cross that is being carried across South Africa by cross-walker Johan Marais was raised up at this time.

Before the Saturday morning service Living Ball representatives kicked rugby balls into the crowd.

Then, after a last last minute change due to scheduled speaker Errol Naidoo having taken ill, it was decided, evangelist Johnny Louw kindly stepped into the breach and gave a wonderful message.

Later that afternoon Christian actor and singer Leon Ferreira and gospel singer Etienne Smit, both brought testimonies, along with several Mighty Men, speaking about how their own lives and their commitment/s to the Lord changed them all for the better.

Steve Swart MP and Ina Murison McGowan in front of the Mighty Men tartan cloth.

At the Saturday evening service we were  joined by Steve Swart, Member of Parliament. Steve brought a  wonderful opening message to the evening all about unity. He then prayed for all that were there. From this point Dewald brought wonderful music again with guest artists Heinz Winckler, Warren Elliott and Johan Vercuiel.

Then came senior pastor (Dr) Hennie Lubbe from Fresh-Wind Ministries, who talked about the rite of passage. Many fathers joined Hennie at the front of the stage with their sons. A group of men pre-arranged and by invite were also on stage with their sons.

Hennie explained all about the rite of passage to them — honoring their sons as men in the making. It was very moving to say the least.

A Mighty Man father and son –Nick Putter, right, and Juan.

It was a long day, with many men and boys giving their lives to the Lord and the ministry teams from Father’s Voice, Fatherhood Foundation and Christian Businessmen Connection (CBMC) and others were all at hand to help them. Many had been baptised during the day too.

A special thanks to Harm Engelbrecht as leader to CBMC for all his help leading up to the event. Unfortunately Harm could not be present, due to him being badly burnt before the conference, in an accident at home.

Dr Hennie Lubbe making an altar call at the Saturday night  session.

Saturday night ended and many songs and musical renditions of favourite Christian songs could be heard again in the camps through to the wee small hours — just like on the Friday night.

Sunday arrived and families began to arrive too. MMC WC honours all the family and we love to include them as much as possible at our Sunday services.

After a cool two days on Friday and Saturday, Sunday was a real scorcher. The heat was blazing down upon us — thank you God for such beautiful weather. It was also hard to believe that we had already come to the last day.

The music once again was amazing. Dancing in front of the stage and the raising of a wooden cross there also added great excitement to the service.

Indeed when Piperjames took to the mic to welcome all there, he made it clear that there would never be a welcome like this anywhere else in the world, but in the Western Cape.

Then the official thank you messages to all from Ina Murison-McGowan chairlady for the MMC WC took place. The exco and intercessors were also thanked on stage, so that people could see the team behind the MMC who had put so much hard work into it.

We then invited children and ladies on stage before the main Word of God was given. Two little ones, both aged about 10 — a boy and girl — were asked to open with prayers. We believe greatly in the Mighty Laaities being the ones that we must nurture.

Jacques Malan from Father’s Voice praying before the little boy and girl brought prayers to the people at the start of the Sunday service.

Dewald played some songs and then Zane Meas asked several ladies what they, the ladies, required in a man. This was a very different and special part of the service and the people enjoyed it very much indeed.

The heat was now getting too intense and so we had no option but to open up the market hall so that beverages could be bought. We don’t normally do this but the occasion required it and we will make contingency plans for next year, should the same type of weather happen again.

After the conference many stayed, as the owner of the farm had made it clear that it was available right through the afternoon.

Many took full advantage by bringing picnics and braai meat, and they sat and enjoyed the rest of the day next to the moat or at other manicured places dotted about the place. The kids ran freely about the farm without worrying as we still had security in place.

Pastor Chanthal Whites, left, head of the intercessors and Priscilla Mulligan, right, an intercessor baptising a lady after the Sunday family service.

As the day advanced it got cooler and the next day an absolute storm and high winds hit the cleaning up teams. Thank you Lord for blessing the Mighty Men Western Cape with a wonderful God, Jesus, Holy Spirit filled weekend.

We took a steady two weeks to get everything sorted out and we are already busy with next year’s conference preparations. We have some events coming up in a month or two from now, and we will let everyone know via our Facebook page at: MMC western cape and via the new and soon to be up and running website at: mightymen.capetown or via Mighty Men on Twitter. For any further enquiries please send an email to: mmc.wc@hotmail.com

We sincerely thank all that helped and made this event possible. In 2017 Pulpit Radio will be the main media partner and they have already committed to broadcasting the MMC.WC nationwide on the airwaves over that said weekend.

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God bless you all and here’s to seeing you all at the 2017 events MMC WC

Love to all from,

Public Relations for MMC.WC Chair and the Exco.

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