Hope-filled prophetic painting inspired by SA elections


Stellenbosch artist Neil Breebaart created a prophetic painting which he says the Holy Spirit placed on his heart ahead of today’s election.

“God did not forget us. His will for us is hope and a prosperous future for South Africa,” Breebart says in a Facebook post in which he explains the symbolism in his painting (Scroll down for explanation).

A business co-owner and freelance graphic designer with a passion for art, he says that in the last two years he has discovered his calling — to worship and honour God with his talents.

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He says he and his wife, Riana, a therapeutic art counsellor, are currently busy with a two year City Changers Ministry Programme through the Doxa Deo church, nurturing their passion to educate, help and uplift communities through the arts.

The Breebaarts have two children, Robert 19 and Heike 17.

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“God is my first love and I hope to live a life which will make Him proud,” says Breebaart.

Explanation of the painting

— Tree and cross
The tree with roots symbolises our life source Christ Jesus, our dependence on Him as a nation and that He is the one from Whom we must seek counsel — He is the ONLY Source. HE will bring abundant life to our people and all spheres of our society … make our nation a strong one. The CROSS is part of the tree because we cannot separate Jesus from God. There is only one God.

— The pomegranate and seed
The pomegranate is bursting with seed ( promise and blessing ) over all our cities.

— City
His Word echoes in our cities, businesses, streets, schools, factories, mines, sports arenas, theatres, galleries, hospitals, every sphere of society.

— Baby in God’s hand
God has a dream for the children of South-Africa. We have a responsibility to protect them and raise them in His Word.

— Grapes
Symbolic that God wants to bless the fruit of our hands.

— Dove
The dove represents the leaders of SA who need to ask Holy Spirit for His Council. Kneel before Him. Leaders need to be devoted to God firstly and lead humbly.

— Handshake
All nations coming together, burying the past for good, looking to the future, working together to build a great nation, supernatural peace.

— Money
End of corruption. Godly principles.

— Rain
Symbolic of God’s blessing and provision for our country.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” ‭‭– Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭(NIV)


  1. Thank you for sharing that exquisite painting that reveals the heart of our Father for our Nation. As believers we listen to what the Lord is saying to us as a Nation, your painting has given us such a beautiful picture of what i believe we have been hearing the Lord say. God bless you.

  2. Neil you have ‘spoken’ Gods Word in a profound way. What a beautiful way to express your worship to God and I say AMEN to your message of Hope.

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