Hope for SA stirred at business event on ship — Nomvuyo Xabela

Social entrepreneur Nomvuyo Xabela (aka Nhonho) reflects on her experience at a Christian business networking event aboard the Logos Hope in Cape Town last weekend, days before the OM ship left for Namibia after a six months visit to South Africa

Nhonho in front of the Logos Hope in Cape Town

Stepping aboard the Logos Hope ship last weekend felt like stepping into destiny. Like a protagonist at the start of a movie, I bumped into a lady named Fredah and we connected instantly as if we were long-lost friends. She insisted we find a table together, not realising that this was divine guidance leading us to the right table.

Whenever I attend meetings or networking sessions, I always pray: “Father, help me meet and connect with the right people, and grant me the right words for fruitful conversations.” As always, I was led accordingly, as it is written: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'” — Isaiah 30:21.

Nohonho, right, and Fredah( Kagiso) Van der Vinne from Beautiful Gate

In business settings, tables are usually designated for special guests, but this event was different, reflecting the values of the organisers and hosts.

Receiving an invitation from Debbie Parker, who heads up the Astron Energy Development Fund, was a pivotal moment. My company, Bluebanana Promotions, is part of their incubation programme in partnership with ORTSA. As a new business owner, I had to weigh the financial justification of attending this event. Little did I know that sitting at that table would evoke a feeling reminiscent of Leonardo Di Caprio’s role as Jack in “Titanic,” who, through a twist of fate, found himself among the influential. It’s truly amazing how God sets us up just when we think we are merely showing up.

I got the ticket! (Jack wins ticket scene from Titanic movie) (PHOTO: Pintrest)

Red Curtain Closed: A New Leadership

Sitting at this business roundtable, gazing at a stage with a red curtain, I reflected on the past 20 years of our continent’s journey and the new era unfolding. It was reminiscent of a conversation with the late Kingdom entrepreneur coach Renier Schonken before the COVID-19 pandemic. He vividly described a divine vision he had had of leaders concluding their performance and new leaders stepping onto the stage as a red curtain was closing.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19). “In that day I will summon my servant, Eliakim son of Hilkiah. I will clothe him with your robe and fasten your sash around him and hand your authority over to him. He will be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the people of Judah. I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” — Isaiah 22:20-22.

Nhonho and Debbie Parker head of Astron Energy Development Fund

Purpose Beyond Profit

Purpose in business was the main theme introduced by Ziwani, who collaborated with the Logos Hope team to organise the business networking event. To date, the ship has visited over 480 ports in more than 150 countries and welcomed over 50 million visitors on board. It remains at each port for several weeks, welcoming thousands of visitors daily to its floating book fair, offering over 5 000 titles.

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At times when the moral compass of our nation is at its lowest, being a believer and a marketplace leader can seem incompatible. However, listening to Eddie Andrews, the executive deputy mayor of Cape Town, brought hope indeed for the country’s leadership. He shared practical principles for navigating business uncertainties by using biblical wisdom, emphasising that in business we are called to serve people.

Nhonho and Executive Deputy Mayor of Cape Town Eddie Andrews

“Jesus, knowing their thoughts, called them to his side and said, ‘Kings and those with great authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, like tyrants. But this is not your calling. You will lead by a completely different model. The greatest one among you will live as the one who is called to serve others.'” — Matthew 20:25-26.

Business in Unconventional Ways

Other key takeaways for marketplace leaders included:
● Promotion comes from the Lord (Psalm 75:6).
● God will promote you beyond your qualifications or expectations.
● Be the best version of yourself.
● Remember your responsibility and purpose as God promotes you.
● Embrace failure; your mess is your message.
● Life is a test — pass it.
● Have faith and obey God moment by moment.
● View life through a biblical lens.
● Be part of a community and be accountable.
● Expect to fail but continue moving forward.
● Use biblical wisdom and standards for every transaction.
● Overcome the spirit of greed.
● Be willing to sacrifice

Africa, It’s Your Time! Lead Well

Isaiah 60, 6:7, 66:8-9

“This is the Toronto says the Lord, I came with My power and My Spirit but they tried to control Me. For a season. I have visited Pensacola, and I came and saw them. I came and spoke to them and walked, healed their sick, delivered the oppressed and then they tried to control Me so I walked away. I visited Argentina and they held Me and I built their churches and I gathered multitudes and men were saved and then they became a religious movement. I visited the United States; they tried to merchandise My anointing. I visited England and they never moved from one level to the next. So, I have been visiting nation after nation but now I am going to visit South Africa.” – Kim Clement, 2008

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  1. Lindiwe Mgoqi

    Wow wow well said little sis , Profound words indeed. Arise and shine for your time has come !

  2. Anneline

    Good day Nhonho, what a delight to read your review. I also attended the event and i can agree with you, it felt like every sentence spoke or shared lifted, encouraged and promoted us. Every connection was Godly.

    Stepping off the vessel on Saturday, I had a sense of, freedom to achieve and believe that God is in control.

    Love your passion. Keep writing. It is beautiful.

  3. Wow what a refreshing and awesome read Nhonho🙌🏾
    A holistic article touching all important aspects of a Kingdom citizen. True inspiration to ‘do bussiness till I come…’ Thanks for sharing your experience with us, beautiful and motivating.
    More grace.💥

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