How global outreach day will mobilise 100m believers to evangelise 1bn people

A man ministers in Brazil as part of the 2019 Global Outreach Day (PHOTO: Global Outreach Day/Facebook).

Originally published in Charisma News

Since 2012, Global Outreach Day has mobilised 25 million Christians and printed 200 million flyers to reach millions of people with the Gospel around the world, which led to thousands of churches planted and 11 million salvations.

For 2020, Global Outreach Day is launching a special edition, GO2020, with the goal of mobilising 100 million believers to evangelise one billion people.

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Supporting this goal includes partners such as World Evangelical Alliance; Pentecostal World Fellowship; Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America; Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke; Joyce Meyer; Steve Douglass of CRU and Pastor EA Adeboye of Nigeria, who oversees 40 000 parish churches around the world, among many other denominations and ministries.

“The Gospel is the greatest message ever told, and we’re called to share it, breaking the silence of Christianity! Imagine the impact GO2020 can have with every believer being a witness,” said Werner Nachtigal, president of Global Outreach Day.

Over 145 nations participated in Global Outreach Day 2019 with a kickoff and prayer gathering in the biggest arena in the world in Lagos with one billion people. Then the evangelistic move around the world started, with over 10 000 in New York City, in the slums in Manila, in the rain forest in the Congo. Foursquare Churches in Brazil alone organised over 150 000 small evangelistic meetings with 8-10 people throughout the country.

A tribal chief in the rainforest in Congo gave his life to the Lord and part of his land to build a church. “Today in Moscow and the Moscow region [there was an] explosion of evangelism,” said Evgenya Vartanyan, Global Outreach Day coordinator of Russia. “[We] preached the Gospel in 10 locations only within the Moscow ring road.”

Svetlana from Ukraine shared “At the end of our outreach, a woman came to us and said that she wanted to jump in front of a train yesterday because of problems with her kids. We prayed together, and she surrendered her life to Jesus. She gave us her phone number, and we decided that we’ll fight together in prayer for the restoration of her family.” Christians were also active in Cameroon in the war zone. In the middle of the headquarter of the rebels, evangelisation took place, and rebels came to faith.

In the former headquarters of the ISIS war zone liberated two years ago, evangelisation took place for the first time. Because of the persecution of Christians in this area, the identities of those who gave the reports can’t be revealed. “The Muslims were overwhelmed and wept and could not believe that Christians were talking about the love of Christ despite the terrible events from the past,” according to a report from the area. “But the Christians said that this is exactly the love and forgiveness of the Lord. Many accepted Jesus as their Lord and were baptised.”

A Global Outreach Day partner, Steiger International, reported, “320 teams in more than 20 nations joined us in sharing Jesus on the streets in Ukraine, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia, South Korea, Israel, Poland, USA, Tajikistan, Moldova, Spain, China, Canada, Lithuania, Salvador and Brazil! Three thousand people heard a clear Gospel message, 800 received prayer and 180 people gave their lives to Jesus!”

Reports of healings, salvation and deliverance are still rolling in from around the world. GO2020’s goal is to equip every believer to reach five people. GO2020 is also launching a global Freedom Flash Mob with the goal of 1 000 cities participating around the world with a dance to the song, “Amazing Grace” at 3 p.m. in each time zone on May 30.

“For 2020, we’re asking churches to devote the whole month of May to evangelism. We’re focusing on the United States. The Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America, which represents 40 million Christians from the major denominations in Canada, the United States and Mexico are a key partner in mobilising churches and organisations.”

“We want to spark a lifestyle of prayer, evangelism and discipleship,” said Beat Baumann, international director of Global Outreach Day “By God’s grace and standing together, we’ll mobilise 100 million believers to reach up to 1 billion people with the Good News of Jesus. This would lead to discipling up to 20 million new believers and planting up to one million new churches, faith communities and small groups.”

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