More than a thousand people accept Jesus in Adelaide outreach

People responding to Jesus during an outreach in Adelaide, Easter Cape. (PHOTO: Lauren Jonas)

More than 1 000 people made decisions for Jesus during a recent 4-day mission in which Every Tribe of East London took a group of hip, young, local missionaries to share the love of Jesus in the Eastern Cape town of Adelaide.

The mission team members shared the good news from door to door in the small, historic town, and also ministered to God’s people in taverns,  taxi ranks, hair salons and old age homes

Stephanie Swart praying at an old age home in Adelaide (PHOTO: Lauren Jonas)

Romans 10:9 states: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”. 1 064 salvations were harvested during the four days, and there were many testimonies of healing, signs and wonders.

“It surprised me that many people we met had never heard the name of Jesus and that He loves them and has wonderful plans for their life” shared Stephanie Swart, a sales consultant who participated in the outreach

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Another outreach participant, Rene Cronje, Centre Manger of Shepherd’s Field Drug and Rehabilitation centre in Port Elizabeth said: “The need for employment [in Adelaide] was evident in countless prayer requests,”

“My highlight was praying for a 97 year old man who gave his heart to Jesus”, shared Ngoni Munyuwa, a student.

2 Corinthians 5:8 reads: ‘Jesus has given each of us a ministry of reconciliation”, we could say then that each of us has a ministry whether it be in our office, classroom or sports field. We need not be a missionary to lead people to Jesus.

Every Tribes Missions was founded in 2012 by Pastor Sean and Chloe Seise who both have hearts for soul winning. The couple hopes that local South Africans will step up and change their environment through spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “We strive to raise up home-grown missionaries to send into our communities, nations and ultimately the world, said Pastor Sean.

2 Corinthians 5:8 reads: ‘Jesus has given each of us a ministry of reconciliation”, he said, adding that each person has a ministry whether it be in the office, classroom or sports field. “We need not be a missionary to lead people to Jesus,” says Every Tribes Missions.

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The ministry offers customised mission trips for schools, youth and church groups throughout the year. More information about an upcoming mission trip in October is availale by contacting Zama Gumede at

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