Hundreds attend repentance events at Union Buildings

From the left, Pastor John Osa, Dr Eva Seobi and Apostle Linda Gobodo, raise and altar to the Lord.
Report by Neziswa Kanju who participated in the Union Buildings day of repentance on Tuesday

Intercessors from around South Africa converged on the grounds of the Union Buildings, Pretoria on Tuesday in response to a call to repent for abominations and evils carried out in South Africa.

The call was made by Woman Alive leader Dr Eva Seobi who said she was instructed by God to arrange the prayer event on the grounds of the highest seat in the nation.

Several hundred people — mostly women — turned out for the event, during which various leaders led the intercessors in travailing and prayer.

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The gathering prayed over five key prayer points, namely: government; the nation; the church community; justice and repentance. After the praying of each prayer point shofars were blown by shofar blower placed strategically across the gathering.

There was great expectancy as people travailed and interceded before God.

There was a sense of expectation of God’s visitation and that the day would bring a spiritual shift. The timing, location and format of the event was as Dr Seobi was instructed by God during a women’s conference at Bethel Full Gospel Church in August.

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Seobi said God told her to gather women — the wailing women — on the grounds of the Union building. She had sensed an urgency regarding the timing, and although there little time to organise the event, that they should not postpone it until next year but rather hold it on the third Day of the 10th month in the acceptable year of our Lord 2017.

Seobi confirmed this evening that a representative of the Presidency had been invited to the event but that “regrettably none had attended”. The Gauteng provincial legislature speaker Lentheng Mekgwe who told Seobi last week that the nation needed prayer could not attend as she was in Rwanda.

Answers to prayer
“Great news is that the alleged murderers who killed a vice principal last week were arrested as we were praying on Tuesday. An employee who stole R60-million at a parastatal company was arrested yesterday morning, a colleague reported. We are expecting more manifestation of answered prayers!” she said.

The prayer of repentance event on Tuesday followed another prayer event  on the same grounds on Sunday, which was organised and led by Paul Mbongelo, a missionary from the Congo. The event was to cry out to God to “try South Africa one more time” and to ask God on behalf of the Church of South Africa not to carry out His judgement on the nation for the wickedness for which He held the Church responsible.

Twenty four people representing various provinces attended the Sunday event and Mbongelo said they were pleased to have done so in obedience to God’s call. He was not able to attend the Tuesday prayer day, where his apologies were conveyed on his behalf. The two events were not separate from each other but were commissioned by God to be carried out, the Tuesday gathering organisers said.

Intercessors at the Union Buildings on Sunday.

The Tuesday prayer of Repentance event was officially opened by Pastor Frank Booysen, the senior pastor of Bethel Full Gospel Church where Seobi was called by God to arrange the event.

Pastor John Osa and Apostle Linda Gobodo  joined Seobi in raising an altar to the Lord. They poured oil on stones that were placed as a memorial to God and dedicating the grounds to Him.

Gobodo led the congregation in the raising of the altar by saying: “We raise up this altar as an altar of light, an altar of reconciliation, an altar of restoration. We declare and decree an open heaven. Your hand is stretched forth over this nation, over this city. We establish your Lordship over South Africa. We declare that you are Lord over the nation of South Africa.

“We bring down every satanic altar that was ever raised. We loose South Africa from those altars. Whatever covenants that were made with hell, with death in the name of Jesus we loose South Africa. Whatever token that was given in those altars to sell South Africa, we break the power of those altars, we break the power of those covenants in the name of Jesus.

Shofars were sounded after each prayer topic was completed.

“We loose South Africa. We declare that South Africa belongs to God, that Jesus is King and Ruler over South Africa. We silence all voices that are not of God. We silence them in the name of Jesus. Salvation will flow throughout our country. Every throne that is not of God we dethrone.

“Spirit of sickness, spirit of divorce, spirit of poverty, spirit of anger, we pull you down — even state capture. We say release our state. You can no longer capture our state. With this anointing oil we are speaking the life of Christ. We are speaking prosperity. We are speaking God’s goodness, the grace of God. Let your mercy flow. Let people experience the Lord’s visitation in all provinces in the name of Jesus.”

All the speakers carried the theme of repentance in their prayers. Whether they were praying for the government or the church they were united in their cry for God to forgive the various stakeholders.

There was a repetition from all the prayer warriors for God to reset order in this land. We called on Him to take His place and rule and reign over South Africa.

Prophetic message
Pastor John Osa shared a prophetic message with the intercessors, saying: “Today on this altar a new voice is released in South Africa and let that voice be heard. We are going to let the trumpet sound seven times and at the seventh time shout as similar to when the Israelites gave out a big shout and caused the walls of Jericho to fall down.

“Let your shout bring down walls in your own life. Let that shout bring down satanic influences in your life. May that shout bring down the strongholds of satan in the mighty name of Jesus.

“We cannot afford to ignore the constitution and the articles that are written in it. We pray for a godly government that will do the will of God. We also pray for men and women that can reform and rebirth the constitution that will give room for God to be fully expressed in the land of SA.

“Isaiah 9:6 A child is born and a son is given. The body of Christ forms the shoulder that carries the government. It is important that when God is looking for government to place upon a land He looks for shoulders that have capacity. As long as Samson was a child, the nation was in captivity. As long as deliverers are still childlike, the nation will be in captivity. God is waiting for us to grow up and move from being a child to being sons that can carry the government.

“If we say that there is a vacuum of godly governance it is because the people that can carry governance have not grown to the stature that can carry it. God can quicken and accelerate the growth and give us leaders, teachers that can feed us with knowledge and understanding.”

Osa reported to the congregation what God showed him in the spirit — angels sent by God to receive the memorandum of the prayer of the group because they recognised Him as the One who governs over all. The angels were sent to take the memorandum back to Heaven.

Various decrees and declaration were spoken over South Africa, the government and the Church.

The declaration over the Church was: “Father, unite us as one in the body of Christ. Lord one body for the kingdom assignment. We pray that we will be a kingdom-minded Church. Our Church will be driven by the Holy Spirit. Father let the Holy Spirit permeate the walls of our Church. Let your Spirit flow.

“We are calling in the supernatural. Open the eyes of the prophets. There are too many ungodly acts taking place in South Africa because we allow it. Father, remove the spirit of deception. Remove the spirit of lethargy, the spirit of prayerlessness in the Church.

“We have so many Christians who are undercover in the church, who still believe in things they grew up with. We pray for purity and holiness. Lord cleanse your Church. We are calling for right living.”

People held hands with people from different denominations  and cried out with one voice to the heavens saying: “We are one body in Christ. We are many members. We meet in different places but we are saved by one Jesus. We are saved by one blood, the blood that was shared on the cross.

“Today we repent of dividing the body of Christ. We ask God to forgive us for exalting our names. By linking our hands together we nullify all the claims of ancestors and all the blood sacrifices that have been made in our various tribes. We nullify them as we stand together. We stand together and we proclaim that we have been united by the blood of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb. You have redeemed us out of every tribe, out of every language. You have made one new man in Jesus.

“Whatsoever rituals our fathers, our mothers have made to demons, ancestors — whatever blood sacrifices have been made — today we cancel, annul them. Today we stand as a royal priesthood and we bring the atonement that is the blood of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus prevail. Let the blood of Jesus speak for South Africa and prevail and make atonement for this land.

“We come to decree and to declare that this season shall not be aborted. This season shall not be stolen. We stand in unity as your ecclesta to possess the gates of government of this nation. We speak to the heavens. We speak to the land. We speak to the waters. Hear the word of the Lord. It shall be unstoppable.

“We declare that you, Yawheh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who revealed yourself in Jesus Christ, are the highest authority of this country. We declare that you are in control and you set kings and disposes of them.

“We pray for those in authority so that we can live peaceful lives. We declare that our rulers’ hearts are in your hands, Lord and you direct it like the water. We declare wicked counsel Lord to be removed from the presence of our government leaders. We declare for all darkness and secret dealings to be exposed and brought to light. We declare that our leaders will listen to God’s voice and not to the voice of any occult practitioner. We declare forgiveness and pray for forgiveness of our government of any bloodshed, injustice immorality and idolatry. We declare that our government will not set themselves against Jesus Christ but align themselves with the Truth.”

Prayer of repentance
Gobodo, the founder of Vuka Foundation, which has launched various prayer initiatives in South Africa, led the prayer warriors through a prayer of repentance. She acknowledged that it was the people of South Africa who put the present government in power. People knelt on the ground with heads bowed low and wailing cries were heard throughout the grounds of the Union Buildings.

The Prayer of Repentance was: “We have come here to release a cry for our government. We went to the voting polls. We used our hands. This government was put in power by us. You warned us we must be careful of the king we elect. He will take gold and silver. He will take many wives. Whatever has happened is our fault. Day and night abomination after abomination is made. Same sex marriages, abortion, murder, shedding of innocent blood.

“Father, we do not fear you. We do not revere you. We worship the dead. We have consulted diviners and fortune tellers. We are guilty of allowing homosexuality, incest, lust, bestiality. We have aborted our children. Innocent blood is crying. We have murdered. We have raped. We have ill-treated a stranger. We have resorted to cannibalism. We have rejected our parents, abdicated responsibility. We are bitter, wounded, unforgiving and angry. The blood is calling for more blood. We have robbed and hijacked. We spoke lies. We have judged others. We have taken other people’s land and livestock; slandered; gossiped; prophesied lies oppressed and persecuted other people.”

As people lay prostrate on the ground, wailing and travailing in prayer, the worship team softly sang: Umkhuleko Unamandla (Prayer is powerful). It was an appropriate song for the day as we trusted that Yawheh had heard His children’s cries, and we remembered His promise in His word that if His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray He will hear from heaven and heal the land.

In closing the event Seobi led the gathering in a very special time of breaking bread. We shared communion to seal what we had asked of the Lord.

It was a strong reminder that victory is found in the finished work of Calvary — that all that was declared and uttered, and the raising of an altar on the grounds, were all sealed as members of His body united with one voice we agreed that He is the authority over South Africa who shed His blood; and His Church — His children — dedicateD South Africa to Him.

South Africa belongs to God!!!!!!!


  1. An honest prayer of repentance.

  2. Suzette Van Rooyen

    Thank you Father for Godly intercessors and a remnant who are believing you to bring change to our nation.

  3. I praise God that these intercessors were obedient to the Living God, and came before Him on our behalf.

    God is speaking to His people by His Spirit. Let us not disregard His voice.

    We couldn’t get to Pretoria, but our Church members and other NMB intercessors prayed in agreement with this group of Prayer Warriors.

    Who knows what might have happened, if these days of intercession had not taken place!

    A big thank you to all those that participated in this call to intercede on behalf of the Children of God in SA.

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