Hundreds of volunteers sought for major youth gospel outreach at Cape Town stadium

yta 2017Youth Transformation Africa has called on young people in Cape Town and surrounding areas, to become volunteers at the YTA event on Monday April 17 at the Athlone Stadium.

About 21 000 youth from all church denominations are expected to attend the event, which is aimed at transforming the lives of the young at heart, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Chairman of YTA Kyle Driver says the focus is on young people as more than 70% of South Africa’s population, is of the younger generation.

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In 2013, God gave Driver a vision, to go to a stadium and to do an event for young people. “God gave me a vision to see young people shaken in our nation, to see us change this nation… “

Gospel of Jesus the only solution
With the current scourge of violence and gangsterism and drugs plaguing communities, Driver says the only solution is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to young people and for them to embrace and live it.

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Driver has asked churches and youth groups, to support the YTA campaign and claim the city of Cape Town for Jesus Christ. He hopes more than 21 000 people will attend the event.

A similar event, which took place on April 27 2015 at the Newlands Stadium, attracted more than 28 000 people, mostly young people and transformed lives. More than 8 000 people gave their lives to Jesus. Amazing stories of reconciliation are still being told about that event.

This year, 400 volunteers are needed to help on the day of the event at the Athlone Stadium. 200 people are also needed for a YTA choir and auditions will also be held for a YTA band.

There is again a search for 144 prayer warriors of which 72 must be young people and the other 72, adults. These are people who will be praying well before the event and also during the event, for a God-transforming experience for the youth. By transforming the youth, the country can be transformed.

Youth Transformation Africa is a non-governmental organisation that is aimed at impacting the lives of young people with the transformational power of the Holy Spirit.

It is also non-denominational as it unites churches in Cape Town and the Western Cape.

To volunteer, e-mail your contact details to or or or

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