#imagine youth movement to host four festivals in April, 2015

imaginelogoExpanding on the positive results of the 2014 #imagine Experiences, four weekend-long youth festivals are planned for next year, says #imagine Movement in a media statement. From April 10 to 12, 2015, up to 20 000 teenagers and youth leaders will be gathering in four locations across South Africa to celebrate their Christian faith together and worship God with passion!

The 2014 #imagine experiences (held in Gauteng and the Western Cape) were attended by 7 200 teenagers and youth leaders from more than 100 towns and cities across South Africa and Namibia. They camped together for a long-weekend, and were inspired to return to their own communities with hope, vision and a clear purpose to be the difference that they want to see.

The 2015 #imagine festivals will be hosted in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and the Northern Cape / Free State. They will be connected to each other via social media and live web-streaming. These festivals will also serve as a catalyst for community involvement initiatives sustained by local organisations and churches. Registration for the 2015 #imagine festivals will open late in January 2015.

Freedom in Christ
Numerous organisations and churches are partnering to see the #imagine Movement ignite hope in the youth of South Africa. “We bring thousands of young people together to unleash their energy, connect them with each other and to show them that they are not alone. No matter what pain their past may have brought them, at #imagine we show them that there is hope and freedom in Christ. They aren’t prisoners of the past but pioneers of the future,” said Louis Brittz, #imagine organiser.

Roughly 50% of South Africans are under 25 years old. #imagine is a strategy to release hope in South Africa and develop the visionary leaders our country will need in the future: Leaders with integrity, a moral compass, compassion, commitment and faith. The #imagine Movement says young people have the ability to dream, the capacity to believe the impossible, and the boundless energy to put their dreams and plans into action.

“To change the future of South Africa our young people need caring hearts and skills to put their compassion into action. Real change will take hard work and teenagers have the capacity, energy and zeal to make it happen. At #imagine we are shaping the teachers, nurses, doctors, social workers and ministry leaders of tomorrow: Young people who choose to live a life of significance,” said Lindie Pienaar, #imagine project manager.

#imagine and its partner-organisations are building strategies and networks through-out South Africa to provide leadership development, support for youth-leaders (through #imagine ignite, again planned for September 2015), outreach programmes, awareness campaigns about social and moral issues, training and new resources.

Click to join movement

Information about opportunities to partner with the #imagine Movement is available on the website  www.imaginemovement.co.za.  One of the #imagine 2015 aims is to be able to give children from all communities an opportunity to be able to attend one of the festivals, and to also be able to provide the financial assistance that would enable this. For this reason sponsorships and partnerships are welcomed.


  1. Phumla Sagela

    i really enjoyed it was fun i had a great time i discovered christ the lord He who created heaven and earth,i met many different people yeah it was fun

  2. Ntombozuko Aretha kananji

    I just saw this imaginemovement web im interested for my kid bt I need more details for this year 2016

  3. Anneli van Rooyen

    Hi I just want to know where is the next venue and when? Thank you

  4. Hi please help iam in Gauteng i like to know when and where is the vanue
    Thank you