Impressive listenership growth for Kingfisher FM

Lize-Mari Arthur, actuality & lifestyle presenter at Kingfisher FM, with latest listenership data.

Close on twenty thousand online listeners, indicating 150 000 traditional listeners – this is the latest figure released for Nelson Mandela Bay based niche-caster, Kingfisher FM.‘Last month they had 19 840 unique listeners on audio streaming’, said Chris Grant of the NetDynamix Group in an independent report.

‘These listeners have an average TSL (time-spent-listening) of 2 hours and 55 minutes (and) are in line with stations that have RAMS of around 150 000 traditional listeners,’ the report said.

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‘That’s very impressive’, said Grant.

‘The great thing about these figures, are that they’re not a thumb-suck or a guesstimate or a projection of a four-digit weighted sample onto a seven-digit population,’ said Theunis Pienaar of Kingfisher FM. ‘These are real and quantifiable, actual figures. There is no doubt about them & they aren’t dated either. This gives us the ability to see the real picture about our product & our progress, enabling us to respond in a now-context of multi-platform media which cannot wait three or six months for audience figures.’

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Rayno Grundling of Nitsec, who provides & manages the station’s technology solutions, said the new figure indicates a massive growth for the station. ‘In December 2011 the station had 1750 online listeners. We started rolling out a new streaming solution in February. Growing online listenership to almost twenty-thousand, in such a short period, is indeed very impressive,’ Grundling said.

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‘We believe our current growth can be contributed to a few things,’ said Xandre van der Berg, the station’s product & development manager. ‘We launched a fresh new brand in February. This included new product elements with a very strong focus on simplicity, quality local information and intelligent, current opinion. We also launched a well designed advertising campaign, to raise awareness for the station’s offering, utilizing diverse platforms such as newspaper print-, outdoor-, online- and television-advertising.

‘Our product has gone way beyond that of a single-medium terrestrial broadcaster’, said Zelda George, the station’s marketing manager. ‘Kingfisher FM is a new generation, multi-platform product with radio at the core of its service offering, enhanced with a website, 7 blogs, extended Social Media coverage and direct personal contact into our community.’

‘It is niche-casting’, said Wouter van der Westhuizen, a director of the company. ‘People form tribes around values. Our offering is aimed at a very specific tribe. We don’t apologize for that. It is our strength. People who are serious about constructive change, positive family values, our environment, relational living and making a real difference in our community – influencers – they’re part of our growing tribe. They’re the people who share life with us from day to day, making our little bit of world awesome.’

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