Insurance company accepts liability for Jesus Dome fire damage

Day after fire
The Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome after the fire on June 7.

The insurance company has informed the Durban Christian Centre that they have accepted liability for the damage caused by the fire that destroyed the Jesus Dome on the night of June 7. The cause of the fire was an electrical fault.

This was what the church had believed all along, but it came as a relief when it was officially announced. There had been some wild rumours immediately after the disastrous fire that it may have been arson.

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As a result there were three forensic investigations of the burnt out building.

The next step will be to clean away all of the debris which had been left intact in the shell of the building until the investigators had completed their reports.

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Once the site is cleaned the engineers will test the walls that remained intact to see whether they could be used in the restructuring of the Jesus Dome.

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Once that is know the architects will be to draw up plans for submission to the city council.

It is estimated that work on the re-building of the church will only begin early in 2017.


  1. We praise and thank God that the insurance company has agreed to pay out for the claim! ThankGod the fire was not due to arson. We thank God for an increase in the harvest of souls! What the enemy has meant for harm God will turn around for good and His Glory!

  2. Amen, Praise the Lord indeed, and I believe,that the insurance company will also be blessed by this…May the next Temple bring in an even bigger harvest ..God Bless..

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