Intentional prayer and revival — Angus Buchan

A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer for Jesus, Angus Buchan

John Wesley’s definition of the word revival is: “a people saturated with God” and that is what has started to happen in our beloved South Africa.

I preached at an “It’s Time” prayer meeting at the Potchefstroom rugby stadium and saw thousands of people coming together on a Sunday afternoon. I believe there were people from every single church grouping, in the city – that surely must be a first.

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Romans 8:31 (NKJV) –“If God is for us, who can be against us?” We are seeing this, as we are starting to pray cooperatively all over the nation in preparation for the big event on October 27, where church leaders in Pretoria are trusting God for no less than 5 million people.

I heard that the churches in Mamelodi (the huge township just outside of Pretoria) are planning a prayer walk to the “It’s Time” event and are expecting a million people to take part.

It is extremely exciting to see what God is doing, but we have to pray with intention.

Hebrides revival
Just the other day I was reminded of a revival that took place in the Hebrides, the islands on the north-west of Scotland.

Duncan Campbell, an evangelist, went there for an outreach and a revival broke out that lasted for a couple of years, and it all started in a prayer meeting.

There was a group of them praying in a small cottage and by one o’clock in the morning Duncan Campbell said they were all exhausted and the heavens seemed like brass.

There was no breakthrough, and no one was having any kind of success, when he noticed a young man on one side of him praying and he said to him: “Son, I believe you need to carry on praying.”

So, the young man stood up and this is what he prayed in effect: “Lord Jesus, you made a promise, are You going to fulfil it? We believe that you are a covenant keeping God, will You be true to Your covenant? That You would pour out water on a dry and thirsty land. I am thirsty for the manifestation of the man at your right-hand side (Jesus). Lord, before I sit down I want to tell You, that Your honor is at stake.”

As he sat down the cottage started to shake, the cups and sources started rattling, they closed the meeting with the benediction and ran out into the streets to find people repenting all over the place. James 5:16 (NKJV) — “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

‘We are there again’
I believe we are there again! At the prayer meeting in Potchefstroom thousands of people knelt down and repented before God, and asked Him to undertake and intervene on behalf of our nation to prevent a potential civil war. I believe God heard those prayers.

If we reflect on Bloemfontein, we can see what has happened since then. There is change in our government, the nuclear power station was shelved as unconstitutional, the rand strengthened, we had the best maize crop in many years in spite of the potential drought, praying and singing of scriptures in Parliament, corruption being exposed and the Guptas arrested.

Then we move onto the “It’s Time” meeting in Cape Town, where no rain had fallen for three years and now dams are full, some even overflowing, and gang leaders came forward to repent. This surely is revival!

With regards to “It’s Time” Pretoria, we have heard that 2 000 buses have been made available, the field has already been given to us for free — it’s been mowed, and bales of hay have been removed. We are talking of no less than 1 000 hectares (approximately 2 1/2 thousand acres).

We need to continue to pray the prayer of faith and to trust the Lord Jesus Christ for nothing less than a Holy Ghost revival in our beloved South Africa.

God bless,
Angus Buchan

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