Intercessors calling on churches to pray for President Trump

US prayerOriginally published in CBN News

A coalition of Christians from across denominational lines are uniting to pray for President-elect Donald Trump during his first 100 days in office.

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Their mission: “appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate in our nation.”

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“It is critical that we stand together as one for the new administration as it takes power in January,” the As One Prayer Initiative said on its web site.

The basic strategy revolves around a period of prayer-walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events that will run from January 20 – April 29th.

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Interceding for those in authority
“President Trump has an aggressive 100 day policy. If we do not lift our voice in prayer for this president and his policies, then we will not have a right to complain about what happens during this time frame,” according to the ministry. “Not only that, but we are commanded to intercede first for those in authority over us that we can lead a quiet and peaceable life. (1 Timothy 2:1-3)”

The coalition includes well known evangelical leaders Dutch Sheets, Lou Engle from the National Prayer Committee and Mike and Cindy Jacobs of Generals International.

The vision for the 100 days of prayer was birthed after a meeting of leaders hosted by Dick Eastman at the International headquarters of Every Home for Christ.

They came away with new hope that the US is going to experience a great awakening.

Across America, Christians have been rising up in prayer to ask God to renew the nation.

The Presidential Prayer Team is encouraging churches all across the nation to join in focused prayer for the President during its USPRAY100 Campaign. The prayer effort begins on January 23 2017, the first full day in office for the new president and his staff, and ends May 2 2017.

Pray for America
In September, CBN launched a 40-day 50-state “Pray for America“. Prayer themes included repentance, forgiveness, seeking the Lord, unity as a people, and protection and blessing for our nation.

Franklin Graham travelled to all 50 states for prayer rallies in 2016.

Several other groups are praying for the new president.

“POTUS Shield” is surrounding the new president and government with prayer.

Similar prayer initiatives were held for President Obama and other past presidents when they were first elected.

“We all need to grow up in our faith and pray prayers that don’t protect our political agendas,” said Phil Miglioratti of Pray.Network. “No matter what side you’re on, or who you voted for, none of that should matter when it comes to prayer.”

Click here to join the 100-day Prayer Challenge.


  1. Beware, beware when Church and State become intertwined!! Have we not learned from Apartheid SA and the Rwandan genocide?? If hear a Rwandan pastor use the illustration of fire: its useful to keep yourself warm, but if you get too close to it you get burned. There are still Roman Catholic bishops jailed today because of their Hutu support and encouragement.

  2. If hear = I heard… Apologies!

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