International team leading School of Worship in PE next week

Sean Feucht the visionary and global leader of Burn 24-7, and Bethel Music artist, centre, connects with children during an outreach in Iraq. He will be in Port Elizabeth next week to inspire and equip local worship teams and creatives.

By Peter and Alison Gooch

Peter and Alison of Burn 24-7 have been involved in building unity in the Bride of Christ in Port Elizabeth for about 15 years.

Burn 24-7 PE is thrilled to invite all creatives, worship leaders, musicians, pastors, intercessors, poets, worshippers and hungry saints to an international citywide School of Worship from July 2 to 3.

Students from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, as well as Burn 24-7 global leaders, are going to serve and bless our metro at the event at Ebenezer International Church, Algoa Park from 8.30am to 1pm on both days.

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These skilled musicians and worship leaders who move powerfully in the prophetic will be involved in times of free worship, teaching, impartation, encouraging your team, skills training, afternoon outreaches and taking worship to the streets.

Breakout sessions will likely include topics such as hosting the presence of God and being led by the Spirit; unity in the Church; prayer and intercession; releasing women in the Kingdom; and a lifestyle of worship.

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A Burn 24-7 “furnace” in PE. These monthly, weekly or daily sessions of nonstop worship, prayer and adoration can last from 12 hours up to 100 hours. Worship teams, representing churches across the city, take 2-hour slots.

The Bethel team will also minister in Uitenhage on Tuesday July 2 from 7 to 9pm at Philadelphia Church (8 Frere Crescent, Van Riebeeckhoogte).

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Before leaving PE, the team will join Sean Feucht (Burn24-7 visionary and Bethel Music artist) on Thursday July 4 at 7pm for an evening of worship at Word of Faith Christian Centre. During the evening Sean will release some of his current songs, the team will minister, and Sean will share some stories on what God is doing in places like Iraq and India.

We’ve strategically positioned the event 4km off the N2 in a peaceful area, at a thriving and reputable church. Our prayer is that this will make the event accessible to as many worshippers as possible, especially those who may not often get to receive impartation and teaching from international leaders, due to transport limitations.

This is not a solo gathering; it’s building us together to impact this generation and worship is a key part! 25 years later, our “new nation” is still suffering some of the wounds of her gruelling past. Many Christians remain in their comfort zones; many are driven by fear. Some are, quite simply, faced with numerous physical challenges. Much work lies ahead.

Our cry is for greater reconciliation and heart connections across racial and cultural barriers. Will this take sacrifice? Yes. Like oneness in marriage, it will require a dying to our own desires and our own ways. It costs.

Yet if this is what mirrors the cry of Jesus’ heart (see John 17), shouldn’t it also be the cry of our hearts? Ultimately, if we walk this out, we will all win – and the fruit will be His greater blessing over our city and over the nation (see Psalm 133).

We know that there is a sound Nelson Mandela Bay needs to release. We know that there is a song brewing in the atmosphere, that will unite us around His presence! We believe and know that the Church as one, will trump any worldly attempt or effort to bring change or restoration! So we continue to cry out to Jesus and know that we are not alone in our passion to see revival come to this nation. Will you be part of the generation that will stand up and commit to loving the city to life?

For more information about the School of Worship, find our event on Facebook:
Global Burn247 / Bethel Team — School of Worship or contact Pete Gooch on 083 657 4213 or Sara Thackwray on

Please assist the planning team by pre-registering for the event, using this link: Tickets for the School of Worship cost R70 pre-paid for both days or R50 per day at the door. Some full or partial sponsorship for tickets and/or transport may be available, and we also welcome donations towards those needing financial sponsorship. Please contact the organisers for more information on this. Tickets for Thursday July 4 at Word of Faith cost R50, and are available from Word of Faith (

One Comment

  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    What an opportunity! Every blessing from Jesus on this event.

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