International weekend of prayer, fasting for sex trafficking victims

Major Margaret Stafford.
Salvation Army hosting prayer programme in PE

Next weekend (September 28 to 30) is the 7th annual international weekend of prayer and fasting for victims of sexual trafficking.

The event which is sponsored by the Salvation Army, the Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking (IAST), and the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), unites intercessors around the world in lifting up the plight of some 4.5 million adult and children who are forced to work in the commercial sex industry.

More information about the initiative, as well as prayer and fasting resources are available on the Salvation Army’s USA website.

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According to Major Margaret Stafford, the Port Elizabeth-based head of the Salvation Army’s South African Anti Trafficking desk, a full programme of activities is planned for the weekend at the Salvation Army Church in Central, PE, which regarded as a sexual trafficking hotspot.

Activities will include a boiler room with a wailing wall for prayer requests and various interactive ideas around prayer and fasting; prayer stations in the main hall; a labyrinth journey in the smaller hall, an intercession room with an intercessory wall; and a praise and thanksgiving/reflection room.

Churches from around the city will come together for coffee which will be served at tables on the lawn. A live worship group will provide music.

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The boiler room will run from 7pm on Friday to 8am on Sunday.

“The prayer focus will be on victims of sex trafficking but we will also include prayers for our city.  Our mission at The Salvation Army is simple – Central for Jesus – our method – get saved, keep saved, get others saved,” she says.

Elsewhere in PE next weekend the theme of prayer for sex trafficking will also be included in a prayer boiler room at the 40 Hours of Blazing Worship event at Walmer West Primary School from 6pm on Friday to 10am on Sunday. 

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