It’s time to stand up — Vivienne Solomons

Every Monday morning, the team I work with meets in-person. This is the time when we discuss our projects and take the opportunity to ask for any advice or assistance we may require since for the rest of the week we work mostly from home.  

Typically, before we even discuss the work plan for the week, we share our thoughts on current events and issues affecting the country. Some of it is directly relevant to the business but much of what we discuss reflects the theme of nation building which undergirds all that we do.   

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It was at one of these meetings early in the year that a director shared how privileged she felt to be doing life and working alongside people who not only longed for a thriving South Africa but also believed that despite our current challenges, we as a nation would see better days.  

To be honest, her comment struck home in a way that I didn’t expect – it challenged me. In my thoughts and in my actions. You see, sometimes I am not full of faith for South Africa. Sometimes I feel afraid and worry about the future. Sometimes I feel like I am a victim of my circumstances. Sometimes I find it difficult to remain motivated to complete even the most mundane tasks. Sometimes I just want to close the door and forget about the world outside, and all of its many troubles. 

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But that is not how we were created. We were created to persevere through the ‘hard’ in this life, to not give up at the first sign of difficulty but to overcome and emerge ‘victorious’ – not necessarily the way we envisage it but victorious, nonetheless. 

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Thankfully, my navel-gazing is usually short-lived. For soon enough I find myself remembering who I am and more importantly, Whose I am. Three simple practices, practiced regularly help me to do this:

  • Daily prayer: This is where I speak to God about the things which concern me and cry out to Him on behalf of others and myself.
  • Reading the Word of God: When I read the Word daily, I can quote from it in times of need whether for myself or for others, and it helps me to pray specifically, as well as in line with the heart of God.
  • Fellowship of the believers: Time spent with fellow believers whether in church or socially, encourages me in my own walk with God and allows me the opportunity to also encourage others.  

Yes, we can do hard things because of Him Who lives in us and Who desires to work through us, not just for our benefit but for the benefit of all of mankind and every nation of the earth, including South Africa.

So, I encourage you, as I encourage myself – Let us not grow weary in standing in the gap for our beloved country. Rather let us boldly declare that South Africa belongs to God and that His plan for this country cannot be denied or delayed any longer but will succeed in our lifetime.

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