Jesus Culture promoting book “The Naked Truth About Sexuality”

nakedtruthOriginally published in Christian Today

Youth ministry Jesus Culture is promoting the book called The Naked Truth About Sexuality, saying that every single, dating, and married person needs to read it.

“We’re really excited about this book offering a healthy view on sexuality from Havilah Cunnington and Moral Revolution,” they wrote on their Facebook page. 

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Banning Liebscher, founder and director of Jesus Culture wrote the foreword and guarantees that “you will not be the same after reading this book.”

Cunnington, who is the Moral Revolution director and author of the book, said that Christian ministry in general avoids talking about sex, and this poses a problem since people often get mixed messages about it.

“Needless to say, the church has been a little nervous, or can we just say silent, when talking about sex,” she wrote in the first few pages of her book.

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The author wanted to explore what God meant when he said “be fruitful and multiply,” and determine whether or not God’s words in the Bible are still relevant today. Cunnington wondered if it was even possible to teach purity, especially now that people are glorifying sex.

And by writing the book, she realised that what God established years ago is not out of date, out of style, or impossible to live. “No one has to live powerlessly when it comes to their sexuality. In fact, it’s the most natural, realistic, and liberating way to live!” she said.

Cunnington offers a practical and Biblical guide to understanding God’s original design for sexuality, and teaches people that God does not really frown upon sex.

“The only time God says ‘no’ to sex is when sex is not protected, or maybe I should say, when we are not protected. God never designed sex to be experienced a la carte. It is part of a package deal,” she said.

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