Jesus Daily is most interactive page on facebook

Jesus Daily, a facebook page that posts daily sayings of Jesus as well as lots of prayer requests, has held its position as facebook’s most engaging page for a remarkable 18 weeks.

With 3 419 397 in the last week’s count the page is way ahead of all contenders. With 1 044 350 responses, The Bible holds onto third position for the second week.

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Dios Es Bueno, God Is Good, is becoming quite a competitor as it plows forward to fourth; 748,217 talkative likers makes it the page to watch in the coming weeks. A page dedicated to Jesus Christ cuts the countdown in half by tallying 513 040 posts. It is another week spent in the 15th position for Joyce Meyer Ministries, and it is a 435,050 total that helps the non-profit organization hold steady.

View the full countdown here.

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