Originally published by Christian Today
A South African megachurch pastor has apologised after preaching a sermon that implied white people work harder than black people.
Andre Olivier, pastor of Rivers Church in Johannesburg, has apologised for the hurt and offense caused by his controversial comments during a sermon, claiming he was quoted out of context. He said during his sermon: “If you are black, God will send you white people. The problem in South Africa, [we say] white people are the problem… no we are not. We have contributed to this nation and we still do.”
“And if you want to know why white people have still got money… it’s because they work, so don’t drive them away.”
The controversial leader of the political party Economic Freedom Fighters Julius Malema threatened Olivier, calling him to resign or this coming Sunday’s service would be “different”. “Racists must be fought everywhere including those hiding behind the pulpit,” said Malema on Twitter. “Let the church suspend the pastor otherwise the coming Sunday service will be different. #Whitesupremacymustfall”.
Olivier apologised for his sermon yesterday on Twitter in a series of posts, which have also been posted on the Rivers Church Facebook page. “Reflecting on my sermon last weekend, I believe that it is right for me to express my regret for the hurt and offense that was caused by my statements made during my message,” he wrote.
“For that I unreservedly apologise. I recognise that my words were poorly chosen, particularly in context of where this country comes from. My comments did not reflect my intention, and I acknowledge the harm that has come as a result. “I love all South Africans & am committed to build the country to overcome the wrongs of the past. Words cannot express my full remorse. I trust my future actions will support the sincerity of my apology.”
julias melama is such a hypocrite. He is a sower of anarchy, hate and dischord. Then again the devil likes to condemn and accuse and needs people to speak through in order to do this. Who better than this hard hearted unsaved man
This “racist” pastor should read the following message by dr Peter Hammond – Guilt Manipulation vs Real Repentance – http://www.slideshare.net/frontfel/guilt-manipulation-vs-real-repentance
The issue is not whether the pastor is racist or not. The issue is not whether Julius Malema is a hypocrite or not. The issue is that like it or not we live in a racially charged atmosphere. The minute you start to label people you lay yourself open to a backlash. Therefore as Christians we need to build bridges and glorify Jesus. The pastor is not suffering offence for the sake of the Gospel but for his lack of wisdom for which he has rightly apologised.
Accurate reflection of this sad story. Thank you….there is wisdom in your words…..
How many of us say “things” which unintensionaly “come out wrong” & wish 5 minutes later we had never said it “that way”???But when what we have said “falls on the wrong ears” it can be devistating. As much as we need to ask forgiveness for saying the wrong things…so much so “the hearer” must with equal care not be oversensitive…in SA we ALL must learn to be tolerant of each other and ask OURSELVES…..WHAT WOULD JESUS HAVE DONE.??Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”