JOYburg gets a boost with #Firsts win

Sue and Heidi
Vodacom #First winner Sue Jameson (left) and Heidi Anderson at the Boks vs All Blacks game at Ellis Park on October 4.

Joy activist and laughter coach, Sue Jameson’s dream of “calling out the gold” in South Africa’s largest city has received a boost with the news that she has won the Vodacom #Firsts competition and that her JOYburg dream will be launched in style.

Her prize is sponsorship of her #First laughter mob which is being planned by a company in the United Kingdom and documentary of the film will be released on youtube where she hopes it will go viral. 

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When Gateway News first caught up with Jameson’s dream of launching her JOYburg, city rebranding inititative with a mass laughter mob, she kept saying “Ellis Park, I believe, is calling!” She had hoped to take advantage of a capacity crowd at the Springbok vs All Blacks game on October 4 – but the competition only closed at the end of September so that was not an option and so another location will be used for her #First. 

But she still got to Ellis Park on October 4! Because she had developed a friendship with the PR person at Ellis Park, Jameson received a message on the morning of the big game, offering her tickets in the staff suite. She and a friend, Heidi Anderson, ended up being part of that huge crowd – and had the pleasure of watching the Boks beat the All Blacks, 27-25, with only minutes to go. 

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The full details of the #First laughter mob are being kept under wraps because the surprise element is important. There may be a restriction on numbers so it is possible that not everyone will be able to be accommodated on the day, but Jameson is inviting people in JOYburg to sign up at to receive more information in the meantime. 

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Jameson says that ther #First adventure has been a real rollercoaster ride – plenty of highs and lows. She said she has been overwhelmed by the support and wants to thank everyone who voted to make this dream a reality. She is convinced that this is only the beginning of the transformation of JOYburg into the ‘City of Joy’! 

Despite the challenges, Jameson kept choosing to be strengthened by the promises of God, and wants to encourage others to always do the same. A key scripture for her continues to be Hebrews 10:23-24 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”

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