Julita explores from Cape to Cairo: Episode 11 — homeward bound

As I am writing to you tonight, I am at a loss for words to describe the goodness of God. Last time I told you that I was turning around and heading back to SA. Since then I have had a wonderful surprise. My 23-year-old daughter phoned to say that she wants to do one month with me and so I picked her up in Dar Es Salaam. I picked my car up in Nairobi on my return from Jerusalem and drove to Dar to pick her up.

I had an amazing time in Dar meeting new people and just sharing on the goodness of God. Then Julanie and I travelled through Tanzania spending time on a vegetable farm outside of Iringa and that was just so interesting. Also hearing the farmer’s story on how he came to Tanzania and how God had gone before him.

Zambezi sunset

In Mbeya we spent time with different missionary families and just seeing and hearing their challenges and bringing love and support and HOPE…. So fulfilling. We went on to Malawi and had an absolute amazing time on the FCE campus next to Lake Malawi and saw their discipleship training in action and heard all about their outreaches. I was just so blessed to see the change they bring in their
community. Truly amazing people at Kings Highway. And from there we moved along the lake and ministered to many people, finally ending in Lilongwe.

African market

We continued into Zambia and had the most amazing time in Lusaka. Many of you might know of Naomi Shenenberger and her husband Rob. We had the most glorious time there and could just minister to each other on what God is doing in Africa. And we stood amazed. He has such a heart for Africa. It is our time. And now I am writing to you from a tent next to the mighty Zambezi and I know — home is close. Botswana, Namibia, South Africa. How God has carried me and blessed me beyond anything I could ever have imagined.

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Last night I was chatting to a man and his wife at our campsite and they asked me who funds my journey. Of course I have to tell the truth and when I said: “God does,” I of course had to explain. The man was sitting with a beer and his cigarette, enjoying the sunset and when I finished my story, he looked at me and said: “I am not such a big sinner”. And he started sharing some incidents in his life. I only told him of the goodness of God and I saw a soul turn around back to God and I stood in awe of this God of ours. How He arranges encounters because He loves someone and does not want that one to be lost. It blows my mind every time.

Kayaks on Lake Malawi

In God there are opportunities in your life daily if you just listen closely and observe. You will always find that one who God has an appointment with. You just need to show up and be available. He will use you.

And so, tomorrow I continue on my journey. It was a beautiful thing to see my daughter lay her eyes on the Vic Falls for the first time. It was a very special moment.

At Victoria Falls

I just love this God of ours. How He loves people. Jesus died for people, so God is always in the soul business. It is never about anything but where a soul will spend eternity and preparing that soul for his/her eternity. Love this about God.

Thank you for your continuous prayer. May God bless you with the abundance of what Christ possesses and may we be like Him.

Enjoying kids next to road

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