Julita explores from Cape to Cairo: Episode 13 –Back with fresh taste of glory

The final episode of Julita’s latest journey with God

And so I arrived home with much love!! When I arrived in my hometown of Kleinmond in the Western Cape, the Traffic and Fire Department escorted me and a whole group of people including the Mayor’s Office and the DA ward councillor, waited for me in front of our city hall!! They brought gifts and warm smiles and hugs and it was overwhelming to see my family and friends there. The traffic cops and fire guys escorted me home and I felt a little silly, but very much loved.

Six months, 26 500km overland and another 12 500km by air. What a journey and what an adventure with God! I have such a lot to say and so many stories and yet — I feel quiet. I do not know how to explain, but somehow, I do not have much that I want to say at this stage as I truly need to process everything.

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Escorted home

This journey was never about the scenery. It was always about the people God connected me with and this is something that I will carry in my heart forever. Those He thought was important enough. He told me: “Julita, there are sons out there who do not yet know that they are sons. You need to prepare them”. And I did meet them. Some are Muslim and others atheists, but they are sons-of-God-to-be and the day will come when they acknowledge Jesus as the son of God and that day is going to be a happy, happy, happy day.

I learned a lot on this trip. I learned that God is sovereign and holy in ways that I did not know before. I learned that He can truly use anyone He wants to. Not the ones I feel He should use. I learned that He loves all people and that He truly does not want a single human being to perish and die without knowing Him as their Saviour. I learned that I should just show up and that I cannot produce any works. HE makes all things possible.

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Warm welcome

Glory realm
And then the most important thing on this journey was to experience His glory. I walked in a glory realm unknown to me before. I have tasted bits of it before, but never walked in it like on this trip and I must be honest — this changed me.

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My friend Ruth Heflin used to say: “Julita, praise until the worship comes. Then worship until the glory comes and then stand in the glory.” I spoke to Gd on this while being on the road and then one morning He said: “Julita, now is the time to not stand in the glory anymore, but to move in the glory” and a whole new world opened up to me. I can never be the same again.

I also saw how religion is a heavy mantle to carry, but how the Spirit of God can break it in a moment. And He is busy doing it all over Africa. HE is doing it. Not people, He Himself is doing it and this is beautiful to see.

I now know for certain that God has His eye on Africa and this excites me. The people still have the fear of the Lord among them and this is a beautiful thing to witness. They KNOW that God is God and they honour Him as God of all creation. God is going to use Africa mightily as an influence to the rest of the world. I cannot wait to see this in action.

I also know that the time is at hand where He will reveal Himself to Muslims and other unbelievers. He will do it Himself and we will stand back and see this happening.

I also realised that we are the solution to one another’s needs. I am the solution to this one and that one is the solution to mine. We only need to hear and listen to His voice.

God’s love for all people taught me something. This is for another day.


And then there are just the earthly things like western toilets, a hot shower, washing machines and a nice bed and pillow that I now truly, truly, truly appreciate. And Family!!!! Wow!!! Family!! God’s gift to us if we treat each other right.

I must also be honest. I miss the road. I especially miss the solitude on the road. I truly love those times. And nature. And the simplicity of it all. And the people. How I love the people.

So, this trip is finished, but I know it is not my last. Another one is coming. To where…. I am sorting this with God. The destination is a little scary. But if He sends me…. I can do it.

To acknowledge the existence of others and just show them kindness, is worth more than 1 000 sermons. The goodness of God will lead men to repentance and I have experienced this to be the truth.

I have met The Word in a different way on this trip and am in awe. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God”. I understand this. I met Him. I truly, truly understand this. And it changed me forever. How He loves us.

Till my next journey….. may you too, experience His glory.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your journey, and the workings of God in your life! A powerful, merciful Father.

  2. To Julita: This is a mighty witness and testimony you have given,; not by power, nor by might but by God’s Spirit! (Zech.4:6).
    My spirit agrees and witness to the truth of your words. Perhaps my Day, the Lord’sday, is still coming….I am 85. The best is yet to be. God bless you as He prepares you for the next journey.

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