Julita explores from Cape to Cairo: Episode 3 — Into the unknown

A beautiful, lovely rain is falling as I am writing to you here, from Katima Mulilo. They have not had rain since September last year so this is sooo welcome.

I have had quite an adventure the past two weeks. I attended a conference on my behalf in Buitepos, Namibia. That specific border post is called the East Gate and 140 people came to send me off into Africa. It was simply amazing. I was overwhelmed by the love bestowed on me from a nation that is not even my own. They sent me off with so many blessings and anointing my feet with an abundant outpouring of oil. It felt like the Ecclesia was surrounding me and I know that I have a family in Namibia interceding for me. How awesome is that!! God is so good.

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Julita on the road

If I was to tell you about all the people that I have met already, I would write pages. It is the most amazing thing to see God connect me. One of the highlights of the past two weeks, was a boat ride on the Okavango River with two couples. They packed a picnic basket and we went for a sunset cruise, so to speak. And there, on the river, knowing there were so many hippos and crocodiles, and amidst the sounds of many birds and one fish eagle, we had the most amazing conversations about God. They had many questions concerning serving God and I love talking about the Lover of my soul. But to do it there!!! On the river while the sun was setting over it…. Wow!!!

River crossing

And then there was the woman who lived among the Bushmen for years as part of their tribe, in a little hut like they do, in order to understand their culture. Oh boy! The wealth of stories she had, but I discovered the hurt that also comes from that time and God was able to bring healing after so many years. And then there was the wealthy businessman from Gaborone who came back to God and is now reading my book. Oh wow!!! Did his story touched my life! And all because a stranger decided to pray for him. Never stop praying for people.

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Majestic wildlife

And for the first time in my life, I saw how God healed children (more or less 40 of them from all ages) who came from broken families. Children from divorced parents. Oh my word!!!! My heart broke for them. Some went into a travail like I have not seen before. It was a deep, deep healing. So beautiful to see. And I was able to explain why God hates divorce. Not because of the wedding vows being broken but because of all the hurt it brings to so many people. God loves people and He hates to see them in such pain. And one divorce destroys many lives at the same time. Nobody wins in a divorce. Everybody suffers. Family, friends, children and the couple themselves. Everybody gets hurt and some lives are broken for years. And to see God heal so many of the “divorced” kids — man oh man. It was a highlight of my life. Fathers repenting, mothers repenting, restoration. Tears, joy!!!! Godly moments.

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Impala ewes

Today I was denied entry back into Botswana as they have a new Covid policy. I refused to be vaccinated on the border right there and the gentlemen did not even look at my negative PCR test result. Just refused me re-entry into Botswana (I left Botswana this morning, travelled through the Caprivi Strip to re-enter later through another border post) and so I turned around and am now staying over in Katima Mulilo to enter Zambia tomorrow. Going on to Livingstone. I believe that God ordains my footsteps. And today He clearly prohibited me from re-entering Botswana. I am now entering Zambia a day earlier than planned and I am eager to see what this extra day brings. I think it is a timing thing with God. I have to be somewhere at a certain time and by going back into Botswana, I would probably have missed it. But God is faithful, so He arranges my footsteps. It makes me feel so safe.


Tomorrow I am crossing the great Zambezi River and will also visit the falls in the coming week. So excited to see what God has planned. I have just realised. It is 22/2/22 today and I have left home exactly one month ago. I think maybe God wanted me to finish these three countries on this day. South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. I will now move into Africa where Afrikaans is not an option anymore and where I have never been before. How exciting is that!!! Whoop whoop!!  

May God continue to go before you and remember — God is not a man that He should lie. Trust His promises and stand until everyone is fulfilled.

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