JULITA EXPLORES: Living in South Africa, has spoiled us as Christians .

In a good way and definitely in a bad way too. We have no appreciation for what we have available to us here, simply because we do not know. Only if you travel outside of SA, do you realise this — and of course, this is generally speaking. 

In SA it is not strange to sit in a restaurant and see people take hands, bow their heads and pray over their meals. Not strange to be sitting somewhere and hear conversations about God and Jesus all around you. Not strange, in every conversation to hear the words Lord, Jesus, God — it is just part of who we are. And He is very much a part of our everyday lives. And this is good and bad. Jesus can easily become a religion in such an environment and not a much-needed relationship (which makes our Gospel totally different to others). But it is also so beautiful to see a nation bow its knees before the one, true God. 

But travel to Europe, for instance, and it is a totally different environment. I have just returned from Switzerland, the land of Heidi and Peter.Nature showing off like you cannot imagine!! Pictures of Switzerland never need to be photoshopped. It is just spectacular and beautiful beyond what a picture can show you. And being surrounded by this beauty, one would think that everyone in that crazy, beautiful land, would give thanks to the Creator of it all. But they do not think about Him even. Generally speaking, again, please. 

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Beautiful Swiss scenery

People are totally oblivious of the existence of God. I spoke to a few beautiful people born in Switzerland, asking them their view on God. This is a summary of what ALL of them said. 

“My Great Grandparents believed in God, but my grandparents not so much anymore. My parents did not care about Him at all and my generation does not even think about Him. And my children do not know anything about God as nobody teaches that in school or at home”.  And I tested the kids.  Nothing in their eyes. They haD no clue what I am talking about.

Coming from South Africa, I cannot imagine not telling your kids about Jesus and God and all the Bible stories. Teaching them to love God. But here in Switzerland, when I spoke to kids — I am an alien to them. And in a country where CERN determines their truth, this is a very stupid old lady thinking there is a God who is responsible for life on Earth (never mind the universe).  

Imagine a generation with no knowledge of God because nobody told them. They are already here. I met them. And not in Europe only.  Aaah people, make sure to tell your kids and grandkids and the kids of the neighbourhood about Jesus.  It is a choice to believe, but make sure to provide them with the knowledge for making that choice. How can they choose if they do not know?

The glory of God in nature

But here is the thing about God. He is much bigger than all of this. Do not for one moment think He has no children in Switzerland or Europe for that matter. They are everywhere. Some undercover, some openly Christian. I met beautiful sons of God and many Christians too, and they are slowly but surely making a difference. And then there are all these missionaries — those sent by God –visiting Switzerland on assignment. I know many. And their stories tell of a God who is very much interested in the people of Switzerland. Switzerland can be as neutral as they want, but they have not considered God’s plans for their nation. Nor His love for people and the price His son paid for these souls. So, I am so excited about Europe. Because there is a living God at work where and when they cannot see Him. And it will be for their good. They just do not know yet. 

What is sooo interesting is that when William Tell and two others got together at Rütli (where I spent 6 weeks in 2023) in 1307, to start the independence of the Swiss, they swore an oath and this is what it said:

“We want to be a single People of brethren,
Never to part in danger nor distress.
We want to be free, as our fathers were,
And rather die than live in slavery.
We want to trust in the one highest God
And never be afraid of human power.”

The Swiss has forgotten, but God has not. He heard this oath then and has taken it very seriously.  

The Swiss have forgotten their Christian heritage. But God has not forgotten them

One of the things I did in Switzerland, was go to the pubs. I do not use any alcohol. Nothing. Not champagne at weddings; no beers at braais. Others are most welcome to, but I do not. So, I sit in these pubs (not liking it at all and drinking my coffee) and people are drinking, smoking, swearing and having interesting conversations. Some vulgar and some so senseless. And some very deep. And I sit there and I learn. I learn about people. I learn about God. I learn about the character of Jesus. And at the end I see that we are all broken people. All in need of Jesus. The only difference between us all is those who received Jesus and those who have not. The challenges are the same all over. The temptations are the same for everyone. The heartaches are the same. The joys are the same. So, all that is different is those in Jesus handle the challenges differently to those who do not know Him. But we are all in need of Him. 

God taught me a long time ago to never judge. And when I speak to people, to move on their level without stepping down from my own. I come from hurt and poverty and resentment and rejection. But I also know the other side to all of this. I have lived it all. So because there is no judgement, people easily open up to me. And the one great thing God taught me from His word is that the goodness of God will lead men to repentance. So, when I am in a bar with a very broken human being, I share on the goodness of God. I tell my stories that this broken one can associate with and I have never had anyone chase me away. They always listen. They always cry. Big men. They always realise how empty their lives are at that moment. And they hope. And the moment they start to hope, the Holy Spirit can do His work. That is not my part. One plants, one gives water and so it goes. 

I hate sitting in a pub. I always have a headache afterwards. It is senseless to me to spend my time there. But when I am sent by Him to go, I always experience His love for people. And I will tell you this — I think (and these are my thoughts only), if Jesus lived today, these are the places we would find Him. Night clubs, drunken dance halls, bars. Not partaking in what they do, but sharing on the love of His Father for everyone. But then again, so many lost souls are warming the pews of the church also, so maybe we would find Him in church, sharing on the love of His Father. Fact is, He loves the lost and He does not want one soul to go to Hell. So to spend 5/6 days out of 14 in a pub sharing on the goodness of God — I will do it again in a heartbeat. Jesus was very intentional with individuals He sought out. They were all sinners and lost. Simply, just normal, broken people like me and you used to be. You would find Him more among the sinners than the “churchgoers”. And in today’s world, you will find the lost even in church, still lost. So wherever He sends me, there I go. Be it the beach, a fancy hotel, rural Africa, a bar, a top restaurant, church — does really not matter where. It matters WHO !

I am telling you, God is not a man that He would lie. And He does not think like we do or act like we do. And He is motivated by love. Love and love alone. He is love. It is quite overwhelming, actually, to look at a person, even a drunk one, and see what God sees. A potential son of God and who this can be as such. Amazing. 

Swiss pubs — where I think Jesus would go if he lived in Switzerland today

Aaaaa, in any case, I also spent a lot of time in Switzerland with Christians. Some absolutely devoted children of God and others reading tarot cards and participating in all kinds of the occult practices and somehow believing it is fine serving both gods. Then I always ask — who are their leaders and what do they teach? Where is the fear of the Lord leading us to live holy lives?? But then, that is a subject on its own. But when a churchgoing Christian has the basics wrong, like dabbling in fortunetelling and the occult, something is wrong. 

In any case, I enjoyed Switzerland and its beauty. I enjoyed the people I met. I had an assignment or two and it was hard for me. I must be honest. My assignments are nearly always people. And I love it. But Switzerland was a challenge. But here I am. I made it. And the Swiss survived me also. I had so many raclette and cheese fondue meals, for which the Swiss are famous. I will not do one again soon hehehehe. Such strong cheese. 

To be available to God is not always easy and definitely nearly never comfortable. But it is so rewarding. When a big, grown man starts crying over the goodness of God that touches his heart, you know that there is a God who is very much alive. And when that man changes there and then, how can you not change??  So I love these assignments. I love people. And I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I sometimes see all three in action and that is a holy moment. Well, whenever the Father shows up, it is indeed holy. 

May I greet you with the beautiful words of our dear apostle Paul who said: “Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.”

I am leaving for Singapore in four days. I will write you from there and share on what God is doing over there. 

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