Kamala Harris says she opposes religious exemptions for doctors on abortion

Kamala Harris

US Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is rejecting the possibility of religious exemptions for doctors on abortion, saying in a new interview that abortion is a “fundamental freedom” that should allow no concessions.

Harris made the remarks in an interview with NBC News’ Hallie Jackson while defending her record on abortion and criticising that of Republican nominee Donald Trump, who placed three justices on the Supreme Court who voted with the majority to overturn Roe v Wade.

Jackson noted that Harris, if elected, may need to work with a Republican Congress.

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“What specific concessions would you be willing to make in order to get something done on abortion access as soon as possible?” Jackson asked.

At first, Harris mostly dodged the question, telling Jackson that members of Congress may be persuadable.

Jackson then followed up: “What concessions would be on the table? Religious exemptions, for example, is that something that you would consider with a Republican-controlled Congress?”

“I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body,” Harris answered.

Jackson then asked Harris if she would offer an “olive branch” to GOP senators such as Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

“I’m not gonna engage in hypotheticals because we could go on a variety of scenarios,” Harris responded. “Let’s just start with a fundamental fact. A basic freedom has been taken from the women of America: the freedom to make decisions about their own body. And that cannot be negotiable, which is that we need to put back in the protections of Roe v Wade.”

Harris’ position on religious exemptions would impact a wide range of individuals and entities of faith, including doctors who oppose abortion and Christian-owned businesses that wish to offer healthcare coverage excluding abortion.

Pro-life leaders criticised Harris’ comments.

“Kamala Harris admits she would deny religious exemptions for abortions — forcing Christians to kill unborn children and seemingly doubling down on weaponizing the government to jail pro-lifers who pray outside abortion facilities,” pro-life activist Anna Lulis said. “Horrific.”

“Religious liberty is the first enumerated right in the First Amendment. Free speech is the second. These are fundamental rights. Abortion is not,” said Kristen Waggoner, president of Alliance Defending Freedom. “In this nation, we have NEVER forced people to take innocent human life in violation of their conscience.”

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