Kenya, Nigeria to get Bible boost

Originally published in Mission Network News

While al-Shabaab Islamists have a growing influence in Kenya, and Boco Haram is attacking in Nigeria, a Bible and Christian teaching tool ministry is branching out into those regions.

The executive director of Christian Resources International Jason Woolford says a sea container full of Bibles, books, and Christian teaching tools arrived in Kenya last week. “When it arrived in the port of Mombasa, it was almost as if they didn’t even require the amount of paperwork that they would normally want. We didn’t even have to pay bribes.”

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That means their people on the ground will begin distribution soon. Woolford says they’ll be “setting up lending libraries, filling Bible colleges, giving orphanages the Word of God, and using the materials for evangelism.” They will also use “the container on the ground as a lending/giving library for those who want to come and get God’s word.”

Many of you prayed that this container would arrive safely without any delay, and your prayers were answered.

While Kenya is ready to begin their work, Woolford says another shipment went out to help Nigerian Christians. “So many people are turning their back on Nigeria because of the corruption there, but I figured in these areas around world where Satan appears to be working overtime, or utilizing false religions to come against people, there’s something he’s trying to stop.”

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It’s not just corruption. Boco Haram has been attacking Christians. Their goal is to make Northern Nigeria an Islamic state with Sharia Law.

What better way to combat that than with God’s Word, says Woolford. That shipment was just sent, so it will take some time to get there.

Woolford says this is CRI’s mission: “to help equip pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and those that are in dire need of God’s Word, but don’t have many to get it.”

A gift of $150 can give a pastor a much-needed library. An $11,000 gift sends an a container with more than $400,000 of used Bibles and Christian teaching tools to a country. To support their work, click here.

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