Kingdom Come SA kicks off with hope-filled prophetic atmosphere

Shaun Bolz speaking at the first night of Kingdom Come SA at the Christian Family Church International on Thursday February 27.

Prophetic pioneer and author Shaun Bolz set the bar of expectation high on the first evening of the Kingdom Come SA conference in Johannesburg with an encouraging exhortation that as believers we are wired to hear from God and to partner our faith with what He says.

“Over the next two days I want to take away any excuse you have for thinking you don’t hear from God. My favourite thing to do is actually not to demonstrate [Words of Knowledge, prophecy]; my favourite thing is to see you activated. Demonstration we only do so you can see an example of what it is like,” said the Los Angeles-based leader who is visiting South Africa for the first time.

“My dream and passion is that we all going to hear God in powerful ways in every sector of life and we are going to see transformation.

“God wants a generation who says I know what’s in God’s thoughts, I have the word in my heart, but I also know what He thinks about this culture, what He thinks about this country. I can see what He is doing and we offer solutions to problems that can never be fixed financially. We offer a third option when there are only two options — for racism. We offer a third option like Nelson Mandela did several times. We offer it with not human wisdom but with spiritual eyes which see what is in God’s heart,” he said.

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Bolz spoke about John’s powerful encounters with Jesus in his resurrection glory in the book of Revelation. But he said, what was more unexpected for John was the revelation of the awesome Bride of Christ in Revelation 19. God showed him that the bride — representing believers in Jesus — was worth the high price that Christ had paid for her. There is a prophetic lesson in this about being willing to see the way that God sees and not just the problems, he said.

“Prophecy is walking in union with God and seeing what he perceives over your family, over yourself, over the people around you,” said Bolz.

Before closing, he called people who had cancer or had overcome cancer, and who had children less than 12 years-old to the front. He had accurate Words of Knowledge about the names and numbers of children of one of the group of people who responded to the call. He said that man was a token for the group, who God wanted to heal of cancer and concern over cancer.

He also said he believed God wanted him to pray for Zimbabwe. He invited people from Zimbabwe to stand and he prophesied that God intends for their nation to become “a culture captital of all Africa”. God also plans to bring back resources that had been held back by corruption and to make Zimbabwe one of the “more wealthy nations of the continent”. Reconciliation was coming this decade and God was going to use Christians in restoration.

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The Kingdom Come SA 2020 conference at Family Life International Church in Kempton Park from February 27 to 29 also features Bill Johnson, prominent author, revivalist and senior leader of Bethel Church in California and Bethel worship leaders Sean Feucht and Chris and Bethany Wohrle.

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