Kingfisher FM-funding ride to Karoo comes together by grace

Cycle Allan and Johan
Allan Verreynne, left, and  Johan Meyer after an interview in the Kingfisher FM studio.

The Amazing Grace Ride is being undertaken by a group of cyclists from Port Elizabeth to the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) to raise funds for the repair of Kingfisher FM’s 103.8 FM frequency signal, so that the Christian radio station can spread God’s Word over a wider area than is currently possible.

The cyclists also plan to extend God’s Word by evangelising wherever they can on route to the conference.

The Amazing Grace Ride will pass through Kirkwood, Jansenville, and Graaff Reinet before the cyclists final destination at KMMC on Renosterfontein Farm on the outskirts of Middelburg.

Prayer birthed the motivation
The motivation for the journey was birthed in the prayers of Johan Meyer who has been to KMMC four times before and has often thought of cycling to the conference.

However, he had been asking the Lord whether there was a good reason to cycle to the Karoo that would further His kingdom.

One night Johan, who is also a keen listener of Kingfisher FM and has received much spiritual support from the radio station’s music and programming, was worshipping the Lord when he asked Him again whether there was a specific reason He would like him to cycle to KMMC, because time was running out.

“I asked the Lord to please answer me, either in a dream that night or during my quiet time with Him the next morning.

“I went to bed trusting that Lord would speak to me. The next morning during quiet time with Abba Father, towards the end of praying, the whole concept fell into my head — “cycle up to KMMC in aid of Kingfisher FM for a stronger regional signal”.

“At that stage I wasn’t even aware that Kingfisher FM had a regional signal or that they had a problem with it.”

Cycle Johan
Johan Meyer, preparing to go on a MTB training ride, with his children cheering him on!

Stepping out in obedience
Johan stepped out in obedience and acted on what the Lord placed in his heart by getting in touch with Paul Reed and Allan Verreynne to ascertain whether they would be keen to participate in organising a ride to KMMC with the aim of raising funds to assist Kingfisher FM with the upgrade of their regional signal strength.

“They were immediately on fire for the idea and the ease with which everything fell into place confirms to me that the Lord’s hand is on The Amazing Grace Ride,” says Johan.

Allan was so keen that he immediately got hold of Andrew Auld, who, in turn, contacted well-known cyclist and cycle-shop owner, Wayne Pheiffer, and a steering committee was formed.

“We approached Kingfisher FM who were bowled over by idea of The Amazing Grace Ride to KMMC on a sponsorship basis for the repair of their 103.8 FM frequency signal.

Michele Lourens from Kingfisher FM explains that the radio station has two frequency signals: the 107.5 FM with a tower in Lovemore Heights and the 103.8 FM frequency with a tower in Vermaakskop, north of Uitenhage.

The 103.8 FM signal has been off air for over a year due to lightening and water damage, which adversely affects listenership in Uitenhage, Addo and Jeffreys Bay.

“The electricity cables have suffered severe damage. The tower needs restoration and upgrading.

“When the tower is finally fixed it will make a massive difference as the 103.8 FM signal is widely received by rural listeners. Many people who love Kingfisher FM will be able to hear the radio station again,” says Lourens.

The logistics
Allan says with Kingfisher FM’s blessing for The Amazing Grace Ride the organising of logistics was immediately set in motion for attracting riders and sponsorship, organising back-up teams, food, tents, vehicles, and places to stay along the way.

“The plan is to set out on Tuesday April 25th from Wayne Pheiffer Cycles in Linton Grange and cycle about 100km to Kirkwood.

“On the second day, Wednesday April 26th, we will ride to Jansenville, followed by another 100km on Thursday to Graaff Reinet.

“On Friday April 28th we will ride the last leg to Middelburg and the KMMC.

“Anybody that can ride 100km a day for four days is welcome to join us. I want to emphasise that this is not a race, but a funding ride,” says 70-year-old Allan who says he will set the pace.

“And if someone gets tired they simply jump into the back-up vehicle and put their bike in the trailer. If they are fine the next day, then they start riding again,” he adds.

Allan says The Amazing Grace team is still welcoming riders who would like to join them, however, they will limit the field to 40, for logistical reasons.

Adventure, fellowship, devotions and cycling
“We are looking for guys that are interested in cycling, would like to have an adventure, enjoy fellowship and devotions together, and if there is opportunity to evangelise on the road, we will do that too.

“The participants don’t have to be Christian, but we certainly pray that by the end of the ride they will be.

“The idea is to raise funds to spread the Gospel further afield on the airwaves through Kingfisher FM and through our personal contact with people on route to KMMC.

cycle poster“We are riding because we love the Lord Jesus Christ and we want people to get to know him.”

Allan says he is relieved to inform that the bicycles will be transported back by truck after KMMC, “so all the guys can relax and rest on the way home”.

Paul Reed, of Angelic Wonders events company will provide three 3×5 tents for the cyclists to stay in along the way and at the KMMC camp!

Click to join movement

All the funds collected will go to Kingfisher FM. Sponsorship is either in increments of R1,00 per kilometre for the 360km trip, which amounts to R360, or a lump sum, which can be claimed as a tax rebate by companies!

Donations can be made directly to Kingfisher FM’s bank account, which is FNB 261050 (Branch) 53430058602 (Account) AGR SOS (Reference).

For more information contact Johan Meyer 064 751 0774; Allan Verreynne 084 959 7876; Wayne Pheiffer 082 466 7292, or Andrew Auld 082 495 2709.

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