Angus Buchan excited about returning to KMMC in April

The Karoo Might Men Conference will take place on the 24 – 26 April 2015 (Photo: Facebook)

Men called on to make a difference

Angus Buchan, the founder of the Mighty Men Conferences, which started on his farm Shalom in Kwa-Zulu Natal and have spread to the UK, US, Australia, Tasmania, and Brazil, with a number also taking place in South Africa this year, is looking forward to returning to the Karoo after an absence of a year to lead the Sunday morning family session at the fifth Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC), which will take place from the 24th to 26th April 2015 on the outskirts of Middelburg in the Eastern Cape on Rusoord Farm.

“It is with great excitement that I am coming back to KMMC this year. I really believe that there is going to be a measure of holiness like we haven’t seen before, because God is looking for mighty men to stand up and be counted,” says the Mighty Men Conference (MMC) originator.

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“As the pressure mounts on society during the end-times in which we are living there tends to be a lot of compromise among many nominal Christians and like never before God is calling mighty men to make a difference and to be living examples.

“When I think of Paul who said ‘imitate me as I also imitate Christ’ (1 Corinthians 11:1) then I believe we have to bold enough to say to people, ‘imitate me as I also imitate Christ’ and that will take a lot of discipline, a lot of faith and lot of effort,” says Oom Angus.

He is extremely excited about what God is going to do at KMMC and challenges men to attend the conference where they can receive purpose from God by the power of His Holy Spirit to make a positive difference in their families, businesses, farms, communities, congregations and nation.

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Uncle Angus says he cannot wait to be with the men again, because he believes that when men turn back to God the nation will turn back to God.

“Men should come to KMMC 2015 expecting a challenge and for God to make a difference in their own personal lives.

“After missing out on last year’s conference I am extremely excited to be coming back, bearing in mind that although I was not there in the flesh, I was there in the spirit.

“As you know the Mighty Men mean everything to me and since last speaking at KMMC I have had the privilege to travel much throughout the world – there are Mighty Men that are meeting in the US, Brazil, England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland.

“To encourage each one of you, we should remember that it started in South Africa – to God be all the praise, honour and glory.”


  1. MMC.WC are right behind you all there in the Karoo. Keep marching to glory.
    Quis Separabit!

  2. Ek sal die jaar daar wees DV

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