KMMC invites women visitors to ‘Warrior Bride’ breakfast conference

Mila Venter
Mila Venter.

While men are fellowshipping at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference 2016 (KMMC 2016) women will have the opportunity to be inspired and enjoy each other’s company at the Warrior Bride conference on Saturday 30th April.

“There is urgency in the spirit for the Church, as a Warrior Bride, to rise up and fulfill her role in prayer and in unity for our country,” says popular speaker and Bible-study lecturer Mila Venter from Graaff-Reinet, who will be the speaker at the KMMC Women’s Day event.

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“When we know our identity in Christ, it will bring unity to the body of Christ. It is our identity in Jesus Christ that gives us authority in the Spirit (Col 2:9-11). In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

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“The spirit of the anti-Christ is so strong and subtle; he attacks us by diverting our focus to other identity sources, such as our creativity, careers, womanhood etc., but it is only in Jesus Christ that we have a new DNA, which is our strength and by which we are able to overcome.

“His divine nature in us (Col 1:26,27) is a continuing and growing source of all the holiness, obedience, love, wisdom and authority that we need in every season – including this specific season in the history of our country,” says Venter who is looking forward to the Warrior Bride breakfast conference.

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She says it is a wonderful experience to be able to speak to women who have a heart for the Lord and who seek Him and join their men in seeking God’s Will for South Africa .

According to Marlize Moolman, who is co-ordinating the KMMC Women’s Day activities, God gave individual members of the organising committee a matching vision for the Warrior Bride theme.

“When we got together to decide on how we were going to decorate the venue it became evident that a number of women had the same vision of a warrior woman with a sword, which we immediately adopted as our Warrior Bride theme. Our image is of a woman wearing a lace dress and warrior boots carrying a sword.

“To top it all one of the organisers said she received a present from a friend that makes anointing oils and she had prayed asking God which oil she should bring to the organising committee meeting to anoint the committee members.

“When she took one of the bottles of anointing oil out of the box, it was called warrior oil, so we are going to give each woman that attends the conference a bottle of the warrior anointing oil to extend the message and anointing to other women when they return home.”

Moolman says the lace dress symbolises being God’s bride, the heavy boots indicate that wherever the woman leave their footsteps they will leave God’s message and something new will be birthed under the crushed ground they tread on. The sword represents the truth of the Word of God that the women carry and the bold warriors they are standing in His authority.

“Women who attend can look forward to a Biblical feast seated around a single table in the shape of a cross, so that we can partake of the communion in unity.

“We are going to break bread, share wine, have an abundance of fruit and cake, and enjoy a time of praise and worship.

“We are all very excited about the day,” says Moolman.

She says the women’s breakfast conference together with the KMMC Sunday morning family service makes it a weekend of worship and fellowship for both men and women.

“We want to make sure the weekend is enjoyable and rewarding for all the women that accompany their husbands to Middelburg for the weekend.”

Venue: Karel Theron Primary School.
Date: 30th April 2016 at 10.30am.
Cost: Free.
For more information contact: Carina on 076 189 8034 or Frieda on 082 847 4436.

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