KMMC issues urgent call to prayer

Prayer at the cross at a KMMC event. (PHOTO: David Stott)
Prayer at the cross at a KMMC event. (PHOTO: David Stott)

With less than three months to go until Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) 2015, the organisers have issued an urgent call to prayer.

“From the very first year of KMMC in 2011, we have tried to lay a foundation of prayer in everything we have done. We are therefore requesting that Christians everywhere join hands with us in prayer and intercession to prepare the way for what God wants to do in our midst at KMMC 2015,” says Dave Turner, one of the local organisers of the KMMC, who is a farmer in the Middleburg district and a lay pastor in a local church.

“While everyone is encouraged to pray individually and in prayer groups, we are asking people to prayerfully consider joining the KMMC Intercession Team and be part of the specific actions that are planned.

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“Last year we had more than 200 people from all over South Africa who were part of the team, and it was an exciting journey as we saw how God stirred us in prayer, and then were able to see the answers to those prayers at the conference itself.

Anyone can be part of the team
“For many, it was a first time to be involved in such an action, and the resultant spiritual growth was such a blessing to them. Anyone can therefore be part of this team, and not only seasoned prayer warriors,” says Turner.

Once again, a 40 Days of Prayer will be the highlight of the KMMC prayer actions. Starting on Monday the 16th of March, the 40 Days of Prayer will continue until the day the conference starts, Friday 24th April. 

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“It is important to note that the 40 Days of Prayer can be done from anywhere and the groups don’t necessarily have to physically meet in one place,” says Turner.

“We have had great feedback from people who meet online (via email, WhatsApp, SMS, Skype or whatever other means) and share prayers, scriptures and messages in that way.  

Women encouraged
“It is also important to note that women can be part of any of the KMMC 2015 prayer actions, and we are encouraging them to do so.

“In the past, some of our most powerful and faithful prayer warriors have been women,” adds Turner.

Every day during the 40 Days of Prayer an update will go out, which can be received via email or WhatsApp, and specific prayer requests and feedback will be communicated.

In another exciting development, Turner says that for the first time this year, KMMC will offer a two week intercession training course immediately prior to the start of the “40 Days of Prayer” that prospective prayer warriors can participate in at a distance via email or WhatsApp.

This training will start on Sunday the 1st of March and end the day before the 40 Days starts, Sunday 15th March.

“The training will be based on a book by Cindy Jacobs (Possessing the Gates of the Enemy – A Training Manual for Militant Intercession), that is guaranteed to kick-start the 40 Days by instructing, stirring and motivating the team into what is possible through prayer,” says Turner.

Francis Frangipane, Pastor and well known Christian author gives us an idea of what is possible through prayer when he says: “The reality that God has planned will always manifest first in the prayer life of His intercessors”.

Praying His Word
“When you hear from God and then pray His Word, you are having an impact on the as-yet-unformed essence of life with the Spirit of God Himself! This is why God calls us not only to know His Word, but also to pray it. We must go from intellectualising God’s Word to being impregnated by it,” says Frangipane in an article entitled Prayer Warriors.

Frangipane says as we truly submit to Christ in prayer, the kingdom of Heaven steadily enters our now prayed-for world.

“The key, of course, is to know Christ’s Word, for our authority does not originate from ourselves, but from the ‘sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God’ (Eph. 6:17). What we have is revelation and submission. But as we submit to the Word and persevere in prayer, the future is changed and conformed to God’s will.”

Celebrated South African Christian writer and Pastor Andrew Murray also enlightens as to what is possible through prayer in his book Standing In The Gap; he says: “On the one hand we see God in His holiness, love, and power waiting and longing to bless man”.

“On the other hand there is sinful man, a worm of the dust, bringing down from God by prayer the very life and love of heaven to dwell in his heart.

“But the glory of intercession is so much greater – when a man is bold and asks from God what he desires for others.

“He seeks to bring to one soul, or maybe hundreds and thousands, the power of the eternal life with all its blessings,” says Murray.

Holiest exercise
He maintains that intercession is surely the very holiest exercise of our boldness as God’s children.

“”It is the highest privilege and enjoyment connected to our communion with God. It is the power of being used by God as an instrument for His great work of making people His dwelling place and showing forth His glory,” adds Murray.

Frangipane says prayer warriors are the most powerful, demon-chasing, world-moving beings on earth. In truth, they are co-creators with God!

“Prayer anchors us in God’s strength for our battles,” says Frangipane.

He remind us that Jesus said, “With God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).

“God has called you to be a prayer warrior, starting with prayer for those you hold dear,” says Frangipane.

“Christ is in you, and He ever lives to make intercession. All you need to do is open your heart to Him, and prayer is going to come forth. Look around you at the landscape of life. God wants you to release, through prayer, His future for every need you see.

“He shows you what is wrong so you can pray for things to be made right. Why waste your energy criticising people or situations that are wrong, when your prayer can change them!

“The Lord our God in the midst of us is powerful. Our weapons are mighty to pulling down strongholds. Stop thinking of yourself as unable to pray. That is a lie out of hell. You are a prayer warrior,” says Frangipane.

Anyone wanting to be part of the KMMC Intercession Team, should contact Dave Turner ( or 0798791848) as soon as possible so that further details can be sent through to you.

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