Lady Gaga to Catholic critic: ‘We’re not just celebrities, we’re humans’

Lady Gaga has hit back at her critics.

Originally published in Christian Today

Singer Lady Gaga has hit back at a Catholic blogger who insinuated she is a hypocrite for sharing her Christian faith while living an “obscene life”.

The 30-year-old challenged the author of an article entitled ‘From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things to Remember When Celebrities Share Their Faith’ featured on Catholic Link.

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The article came days after Lady Gaga posted a photo of herself and a priest sharing the Eucharist, thanking him for teaching that “Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us”.

“It has become somewhat of a trend for celebrities to share their faith,” wrote Becky Roach, author of the article.

“Many celebrities are sharing Bible verses, quoting priests, and singing Christian music while at the same time still leading a typical Hollywood lifestyle void of Christian values such as modesty and purity.”

Roach referred specifically to the singer as someone who “has unfortunately done a variety of obscene things”, yet has turned back to the faith.

Lady Gaga reacted to the article in an Instagram post:

“Dear Becky Roach, Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him. A prostitute. Someone society shames as if she and her body are a man’s trash can. He loved her and did not judge. He let her cry over him and dry his feet with the hair of a harlot. We are not just “celebrities” we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle. We are as equally forgiven as our neighbour.

“God is never a trend no matter who the believer,” the singer wrote.

The article did applaud her for provoking discussion of the Eucharist after her initial Instagram post and even suggested that her post would be a useful tool in starting future conversations about the sacrament.

One Comment

  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    Until there is evidence of the “fruit of repentance”, can anyone say that Lady Gaga is a forgiven sinner, denying herself, taking up her cross, and following Jesus? Wikipedia makes no mention of her changed lifestyle, but does report her bi-sexual lifestyle as the reason she “was ordained as a minister by the Universal Life Church Monastery so that she could officiate the wedding of long-time friends, both of whom were women.[285]”. She disliked being “judged” by Becky Roach who also looks for Christian “fruit” in her life-style. Those of us who follow Jesus Christ have learned that “Jesus accepts us just as we are, but does not leave us as we are”. He is nauseated by Hypocrisy, and wants us to be Real Christians, growing to become like Him. Matt 23:1-36; Romans 5:29; 2 Corinthians 5:17. Lady Gaga’s career is built on her outrageous “image”, not on her wholesome integrity. Let’s pray that her nibbling at the Gospel will lead her to a radical conversion that will enhance the miraculous reputation of Jesus Christ.

    All around us there is pressure to behave as others do:
    “Sell yourself with a good image ~ never mind if it’s not true.
    Spin the story in your favour, cover up the darker side.”
    That’s the way that our world functions, decorating ugly pride.

    “Woe to you who craft your image by your ostentatious dress;
    caref’lly tithing, while neglecting justice, love and faithfulness.
    Making beautiful the grave-sites full of bones of those who’re dead.
    Washing cups clean on the outside while inside they’re smeared with greed.”

    Though we may deceive some people, God resents hypocrisy.
    He desires that we express authentic Christianity,
    No deceitful striving after ‘image’ that cannot be met.
    Jesus sets the standard for us: “What you see is what you get”.

    That’s the way we should be living in this artificial world:
    Cultivate a Christian mind-set, leave behind the common herd.
    Be authentic as a Christian, so that all whom you’ll have met
    will unite to say about you: “What you see is what you get”.

    Words: Hugh G Wetmore © 2013
    Scripture: Matthew 5:37; 6:1-4; 23:1-36
    Tune: There’s a Light upon the Mountains (Mission Praise 679) CD 6.4
    OR Metre: 8787D
    Tunes: Austria (Mission Praise 173) CD 9.14 Lux Eoi (Mission Praise 203) CD 10.10
    Hyfrydol (Mission Praise 226) CD 10.7 Converse (Mission Praise 746) CD 10.3 Ode to Joy (Mission Praise 600) CD 10.13

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