‘Lambano’ the promises of God

Speaker Johnny Louw urging men to “Lambano”– take hold of the promises of God.

Johnny Louw who ministered to the men on Saturday night was the first to shout “Lambano” – the Greek word meaning to take hold and receive – the promises of God, during his message to KMMC, which corresponded to a theme that seemed to run through all the speakers’ messages: that the way forward is for men to boldly act in their identity as followers of Christ and children of God.

Louw encouraged the men to receive the free gifts of God, which are eternal life (Romans 6:23), righteousness (Romans 5:17) and the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

He motivated men to: realise the will of God perfectly in their lives; take hold (Lambano) of their inheritance and “reign as a child of the King”; and know who they are in Jesus Christ.

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Louw says without the speakers’ knowledge or preparation a theme flowed through all the presentations.

“The Holy Spirit took control of the stage to bring the fullness of God to His sons. The Lord comforted His boys this weekend with a message of love, reconciliation and power so that we know who we are, and we can go out and fulfil our destiny in Christ.”

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Louw agrees with other speakers that the four-year-old KMMC seemed to come of age this year.

The weekend started off with a special anointing when between one-and-two-thousand men stood up from their seats and stepped forward to accept salvation.

Leon Schoeman, from TBN Africa who delivered the message on Friday night, says like many others he felt that KMMC 2014 was a “different type of Mighty Men Conference”.

He says the organisation of the event was excellent and the racial mix of those attending was more representative than previous years.

“However, from a spiritual point of view something opened up, which was amazing to be part of and absorb.

“I believe God wants to manifest and show Himself as supernatural and if men walk in the faith of who He is they will be able to walk in the miracles of the New Testament.

Leon Schoeman
Leon Schoeman leads a large crowd of men making a commitment to follow Jesus.

“If people would realise that if they can walk in faith in their identity in Christ, they will be able to overcome and conquer all.

“Our identity is Christ in us the hope of glory, His ability is our ability.

“God has given us dominion over all things. Jesus said: ‘he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do’ (John 14:12).

“I believe God wants to release His power and show His real ability to His children and through His children, which we saw glimpses of at KMMC 2014. There were healings and deliverances, and many things that had kept men in bondage were broken.

“I have never experienced over a thousand men stepping forward as one to commit their lives to the Lord. It was so powerful and wonderful to see what the Lord is doing in men’s lives.

Schoeman says it felt like Friday night at KMMC was God’s rescue mission, Saturday morning His knowledge impartation, Saturday night His equipping exercise, and Sunday morning His review and sealing of the lessons learned.

“God put the whole thing together and deserves all the glory, because it is all about Him,” says Schoeman.

Jannie Moolman, event co-ordinator, says the mass conversion of KMMC men giving their hearts to the Lord was the highpoint of the conference.

“The organising committee always said if only one person is saved the conference would be worthwhile, because there would be joy in heaven, but to have more than a thousand men accepting Jesus Christ as their saviour was more than we could ever have anticipated.”

Another highlight of KMMC 2014, according to Schoeman, was the counselling and baptism tent, where men were able to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit immediately after they gained salvation.

“The fact that men could be baptised, so that they could die to their flesh and be activated in the spirit to Christ living in them was a blessing,” says Schoeman. 

Another subject that most of the speakers emphasised was the importance of the relationships in their lives, from the relationship with their Holy Father to the relationships with family, friends and neighbours.

“I had so many testimonies from fathers and sons saying that the word was a blessing to them and that their relationships were restored,” says Schoeman.

Afrika Mhlophe addresses the Saturday morning gathering.Afrika Mhlophe, who spoke at last year’s KMMC and addressed this year’s conference about God being the beginning and end of our governance, our first and final authority, says KMMC 2014 was unique in what God did.

“We were all a bit apprehensive about Angus Buchan not being at KMMC 2014, nevertheless it turned out a powerful experience for all involved.

“I enjoyed speaking and interacting with the other speakers. We not only shared a platform, but shared bread and fellowship, which was powerful.

“It was not only the men that attended the conference who grew in their relationships with the Lord and each other, but the speakers too.”

Mhlophe says he has found that when people make time to be in God’s presence for an extended time, like camping for a weekend, they experience something very different from what they ordinarily experience at a church service.

“The sacrifices that are made by people to spend an entire weekend with God do make a big difference to their encounter with the Lord,” says Mhlophe.

Retief Burger, who was a worship leader and presented the Sunday morning family session at KMMCs 2014 says the main theme that stood out for him was leadership.

“If a man can change, so can his family, community, church and society. Therefore, men who lead from servanthood and deep biblical convictions can make a huge difference,” says Burger! 

 Retief Burger (left) and worship team in action. Burger was also the speaker at the Sunday morning family session.


  1. Pieter (Wielietjies) Corneelse

    KMMC 2014 were indeed the year where God showed his presence, and touched the heart of each and every man attending. The Lambano of Johnny Louw is imprinted in my heart as it is in many others, we can praise and worship our God the only living God for calling us to the KMMC 2014.

  2. Cliff Barber

    What a wonderful weekend it was (my third)to share God,s holy ground with my two sons and grandson, to be a part of such a powerful praise and worship . We are truly blessed.

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