UPDATED: Latest Christian responses to the municipal elections

A mighty covering of prayer, fasting, worship, and prophetic declarations

God is stirring up His people to respond to the local government elections on Thursday August 3 with prayer, and fasting and worship initiatives. Here is a roundup of national campaigns as well as initiatives in Johannesburg, Cape Town, George, and Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch):

JOHANNESBURG — Friday July 29

On this night we will gather together [at Journey Church, 15 Twain Street, Buccleuch/Johannesburg] for the purpose of releasing a PROPHETIC SOUND in the heavenlies so as to facilitate the purposes of God in our nation. We therefore call ALL PROPHETIC voices together, that we may hear the voice of God, releasing ONE SOUND, in this season! — Janet Brann-Hollis, SA Back To God

SABTG has set aside July as a month of fasting and prayer for the elections and has called on church groups to make Sunday, July 31 a day of fasting and prayer for the elections.

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Cape Town — July 25 to Wednesday Aug 3
ctelectionprayer 400

Municipal Elections Watch WhatsApp Group:
About 150 intercessors have to date joined this group which began on July 25 and is committed to take 1 hour prayer slots to cover the elections 24/7 until after the results are in. Inquiries: Nomvuyo 084 515 9558, Zizo 073 826 2529

24 hours of prayer/intercession in the City
From 6pm on Tuesday August 2 to 6pm on Wednesday August 3 relays of intercessors will be in place on the 20th floor of 1 Thibault Square, 1 Long Street, Cape Town.

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24-hour Burn (worship and prayer)
Friday July 29 through to Saturday, 30 July. To connect with the Cape Town Burn team, contact Sheldon on sheldonk@theburn247.com.

George — Friday July 29 to Sunday July 31
prayer summit

An “Elections Day of Prayer ” summit is planned for Sunday July 31 in the Rosemoor Indoor Stadium, George. Organisers are arranging prayer training on Friday evening July 29 and Saturday, July 30 at the Carpe Diem school hall, where they hope to train a large portion of the town ‘s residents on how to pray accurately. The training via Tipping Point Prayer Network will by by Gerda Leithgöb and Arthur and Michelle Coetzee.
The prayer theme will be 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 1 Timothy 2 : 1,2 . Entry to each event will be free of charge.

South Africa — Monday August 1

1hrcorpprayerJericho Walls International Prayer Network is promoting a 1 hour corporate prayer initiative on Monday August 1.

Anneke Hanekom provides details:
Die oproep is vir mense wat deel is van ‘n groep – hetsy omgeegroep of Bybelstudiegroep of gemeente of watookal om as groep Maandagaand saam te bid.  Hulle kan self die uur kies en indien die groepe dalk saam werk, kan hulle vroeër die dag ook saam bid vir 1 uur.

Die gebedsmateriaal wat gebruik kan word, is op ons webwerf http://www.jwipn.com/municipal-elections-3-august-2016/

Daar is die 20 gebedskaarte (jpeg) waarvolgens ons vir die 20 dae voor die verkiesing gebid het.  Dit is alles Skrifgefundeerd.  Dan het ons voorheen ook per epos hierdie LINK  gebede volgens onderwerp uitgestuur.  Die mense kan hierdie materiaal ook gebruik.

Afhangende hoe groot die groep is, kan hulle in kleiner groepe verdeel en deur hierdie punte bid of die groep in geheel kan beurte maak om deur alles te bid.  Natuurlik kan hulle ook ander materiaal gebruik om vir die verkiesing te bid – net soos die Heilige Gees hulle lei.

Die idee is hardop gebede waar almal deelneem.
JULY 29 PRAYER CARD — Jericho Walls International Prayer Network has also prepared 20 Prayer Cards that can be used as Whatsapp or Facebook messages from July 14 to August 2 2016. They invite Christians to use the cards to pray with them and to send the prayers out to other Christians. CLICK HERE to download the prayer cards and prayer guidelines.
Nelson Mandela Bay (Port ELizabeth, Uitenhage, Despatch) — Sunday July 31, Tuesday August 2 – Wednesday August 3

Prayer at the Pier — Sunday July 31
Marcelle Prinsloo writes: We will be praying for South Africa and for the upcoming elections on the 31st of July, 16:00 at the Pier. Hope to see you there!!!
See promo video below:

Election Burn at GAP Church — Tues Aug 2 – Wed Aug 3


Jessica Spronk writes:

BURN 24/7 is excited to announce that our next 24-hour worship and prayer event will be taking place on Tuesday, August 2 at 7pm and will run for 24 hours, ending on Wednesday, August 3 at 7pm at Greenacres Presbyterian Church.

The cry of this Burn will be for God to have His way in our nation and over our land as we worship before and throughout the local government elections happening across South Africa. We believe that there is nothing more powerful than the sound of sons and daughters, across all denominations and generations, resounding in the streets of Port Elizabeth. These events are never about various churches, worship preferences or the entertainment, but rather about His Kingdom coming to Earth as we go after His glory.

During this time of uncertainty regarding the future of our government and leadership , we believe that incorporating times of prayer is vital in focusing our hearts and minds on the upcoming changes across our city and nation. Joan Keeling, one of our city’s fearless intercessors will be coordinating prayer stations across the city and will also be running with various intercession slots though out the 24-hour Burn. If you have a prayer on your heart for our nation that needs to be released, please contact Joan on joan@tcn.org.za.

One of the recent additions to our Burn team has been JP Flugel of Fusion Sports Ministry. Fusion Sports will be coordinating social volleyball and rugby tournaments on Wednesday, August 3, at Greenacres Presbyterian Church. Feel free to come along, whether you’re alone or if you have a team, and have some fun! Braai facilities will also be available for families who would like to worship, pray, picnic and socialise after making their mark at the polling stations. For more information regarding the Fusion Sports Ministry, please contact JP on jpflugel@gmail.com.

If you would like to get involved from a worship perspective, please feel free to contact Jessica Spronk on jessicajaninespronk@gmail.com. We are trusting for worshippers and worship teams, mixed or from a specific church, who are passionate about His Kingdom and relentless in their pursuit of Heaven on Earth! Not only will the whole of Port Elizabeth be burning for change, but there will also be another 24-hour Burn event happening in Cape Town on Friday, 29 July through to Saturday, 30 July. To connect with the Cape Town Burn team, contact Sheldon on sheldonk@theburn247.com.

We believe that the hand of God will rest on the unity of His people. We encourage all believers, all churches, all city leadership and pastoral leaders in the city to make a concerted effort to attend and stand together in prayer and worship.

For more information regarding the event or if you would like to share the activities with your friends, family or church, join our Facebook event:https://www.facebook.com/events/1219078831481725/

Polling Stations Prayer Chain — Tues Aug 2 – Wed Aug 3

Pastors from various churches in Lorraine who are enthusiastically working together to ensure that the four polling stations in their area of the city are covered with 24 hours of prayer over the election period. They are also holding two combined corporate  prayer times at the start and end of the 24 hour period at the Storehouse  Church (36 Vitry Avenue, Lorraine) — at 7pm to 8pm on Tuesday August 2 and at 6pm to 7pm on Wednesday August 3.

Joan Keeling writes: Every congregation in the Bay is being asked to form a 24hr Chain of Prayer from 7pm on Tuesday 2 August to 7pm on Wednesday 3 August 2016 – consisting of ½ hr to 1 hr slots. Prayer Pointers are available from Joan on 084 7662270
(UPDATE from Joan this week: “We have had a really good response from  a large number of different congregations – representing many various denominations and church movements and representative of the whole community of NMB –  as well as from individual believers  & their teams of prayer warriors.)

a) Pray for peace, as the country prepares for the elections (Jeremiah 29: 7)
b) Pray for wisdom for all party leaders (1 Timothy 2: 1- 6);
c) Pray that the party leaders will encourage their members to maintain peace in the country and that their people will submit to these requests.( Romans13: 1-7)
d) Pray that all South Africans will vote & that they will vote responsibly; according to their consciences and according to the principles & values to which they hold. (Micah 7: 8)
e) Pray for righteousness to prevail (Proverbs 14: 34)
f) Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Pray that every form of corruption will be uncovered and rooted out (Ecclesiastes 12; 13)
g) Pray that the elections will be completely free and noticeably fair. (Proverbs 15: 3)
h) Pray for well run Polling Stations that will open on time; for the ballot papers to arrive punctually; and that none will be lost, but that all ballot papers will be properly counted
i) Pray that those chosen to fill the positions will be accepted by all & that dissatisfaction will not manifest itself in any type of destructive or violent behaviour.
j) That those who are chosen will not be those seeking popularity, prosperity or fame, but those who love SA & who will be willing to work hard to achieve stability & progress.
k) Pray for God’s will to be done (Psalm 75: 6-7).

Remember the promise:
…pray to the Lord for (the city) because if it prospers, you will prosper….. Jer.29:7


  1. Thank you guys for setting this up. May God be praised

  2. Praise God for this call to prayer. The outcome of the election is totally dependent on those who love the Lord. “If my people….” 2 Chron 7:14

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