Lesotho prayer warriors head for Cape to ‘break ball’, ‘release revival light’

Thabana-Ntlenyana, Lesotho — the highest point in southern Africa — where a prayer team prophetically ‘rolled a ball’ towards Cape Town in 2006. Today a prayer team from Lesotho set out for Cape Town on the next stage of their revival prayer mission

A group of prayer warriors left Maseru for Cape Town today to carry out a prophetic prayer mission that began with a vision in Lesotho in 2001 and continued in January 2006 when a prayer group visited the highest mountain peak in Southern Africa.

In a message to a Cape Town intercessor, the leader of the group, Thabiso Mohapeloa, says: “In or around 2001 I saw a vision of a very big white, shiny ball. I was here at home in Botha-Bothe Lesotho

“As I watched, it rolled up the mountains of Lesotho until it reached Thabana-Ntlenyana which is the highest mountain peak in Southern Africa.

“It stated rolling down and went out of the country between Quthing and Qacha’snek. It went on until it reached the Cape Point in Cape Town, South Africa.

Getting ready to set out from a rainy Maseru this morning for their prayer mission at Cape Point and Cape Agulhas

“When it was about to fall into the sea it broke into a bright light that went into Cape Aghulas, from where it stated filling the place, going on to fill all the provinces, and went out to fill the whole of Africa then to the rest of the world.

“That is when the Lord said: ‘That is the light of revival, go on and activate it’.

“As a result in January 2006 I took a team of prayer warriors to Thabana-Ntlenyana to start the process of rolling the ball prophetically.

“Then I thought the process was complete, but before the Covid lockdowns He [God] said I should take a team and go together with belivers/ prayer warriors in Cape Town and Aghulhas to break the ball and release the light.”

The Lesotho prayer warriors set out by road from Maseru yesterday. They plan to pray at Cape Point tomorrow (Friday) and then to pray at Cape Agulhas on Saturday — to release the light — before driving back to Lesotho. They will drive approximately 2 600km to complete their mission.

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One Comment

  1. So needed. I hope that we will be kept updated.