Lessons learnt from taking stand against Sexpo street advertising

Ryan Smit executive director of Cause for Justice

Last week news media and some on social media poked fun at Christian singer and pastor, Heinz Winkler, when he posted on a Somerset West community Facebook group that posters on street poles promoting a weekend sex expo should be removed immediately.

The Sexpo organisers also mocked Heinz’s objections and brushed off an email from local ward councillors demanding removal of the signage which featured a woman’s nude bottom. They said they had council permission for their extensive street advertising campaign in the Cape Town area.

But it turns out that those who spoke up against the ad campaign were in the right. In an interview with Gateway News, Ryan Smit executive director of Cause for Justice and a Somerset West resident said that a few hours after he posted a message on the local community page pointing out exactly which clause of the City of Cape Town’s outdoor advertising and  signage bylaw was being violated by the Sexpo advertising, city authorities posted a response to Cause for Justice’s Facebook message advising that they had ordered the removal of all of the offending lamppost signs as well as trailer billboards.

Screenshot of City of Cape Town Facebook notice

Ryan said that the experience illustrates that if something upsets you because it is wrong or unjust you should not let it pass. He said there is a cost to taking a stand – such as mockery – but if we let injustices slide, someone else down the line – possibly the next generation – will pay a greater cost. “At least that is my conviction,” he said.

He also emphasised that the way in which we speak out matters. Be firm in opposing what is wrong but be respectful to everyone, he said. Those who took a stand  against the street advertising focused on protecting children and the dignity of women without dishonouring the Sexpo organisers and supporters.

Apparently, the power of social media also played a key role in the city’s speedy turnaround on the signage. The Somerset West group has 42 000 members and users like Ryan tagged the City of Cape Town’s Facebook page which has 342 000 likes and 380 000 people following them.

Philip Rosenthal director of ChristianView Network also sent out a message on social media this week, encouraging citizens to “speak up” and celebrating some recent “small victories” arising from taking a united stand. He posted: “Thanks for praying speaking up: Small victories add up: * Hate speech bill postponed to September as Parliament reads over 10,000 submissions and probably the biggest Christian media campaign ever. * Prostitution bill withdrawn till after next election (and we will hammer them if they don’t promise to stop it) * Parents objections dominate BELA education bill hearings * City of Cape Town orders Sexpo to remove all porno adverts after Cause for Justice objects * Woolworths put on a damage control marketing campaign as they face customer backlash and some stores remove LGBT displays. We have more protest actions planned. Hopefully they won’t try this again. 2023 woke offensive they thought would be easy has stalled like the battle of Kiev in 2022. Winter holiday is a time to pray and build our capacity to prepare for the next offensive.”

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One Comment

  1. Heila Chapman

    Thank you for making such a strong stand against the posters on sexpo. God will honor those who are standing up against unrighteousness. All glory to our Holy God.