Let’s celebrate our sister friends this Women’s Day — Vivienne Solomons

A monthly column by Vivienne Solomons who is a legal consultant who passionately believes that God wants His people to make a difference right where they are and to stand up for what is true and just. She is also passionate about encouraging young women to walk victoriously with God and she is engaged in a challenging faith journey as a parent of a child with special needs.

August or Women’s month is upon us and this year, and I have found myself reflecting on my relationships with the diverse group of women I am honoured to call both sister and friend.

Some of them I, unfortunately, don’t see that often. Some live in different cities, while others live in different countries.

But like so many of us, I am grateful for modern technology, which enables us to make video calls at the touch of a button, keeping us close to those we love and care for despite the geographical distance that separates.

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Growing up, I longed for a sister. It most likely has something to do with the fact that my mother lost my twin sister during pregnancy.

My two rough-and-tumble younger brothers, who I loved, just couldn’t sit still long enough to hold a conversation with me – there was just too much pulling, pushing and wrestling involved and, of course, playing dress-up was not exactly their favourite thing to do. That’s not to say that I didn’t like climbing trees and playing ball, looking for frogs and making mud pies – it was all good fun; I just liked to do “girly” things too, and naturally would have loved a sister to share my experiences with.

This is probably why, years later, when my brothers married, I relished the fact that I gained a sister each time. Not a sister “in law” but a sister “in love”, and I welcomed them as such.

Even when divorce changed our circumstances, I continued to embrace them as my sisters despite the fact that it was awkward and uncomfortable at first. Of course, I realise that this is not always possible but I am glad that we chose and were able to navigate the pain and find a new “normal”, to where our individual relationships with one another are not dependant on the health of their relationships with my brothers, their ex’s.

When it came my turn to marry, I gained four more sisters, each one uniquely placed to bring something special to my life.

Precious women
And there are other women in my life that I hold particularly close as well. Although we are not related by blood, nor by marriage, they are nonetheless as sisters to me. Our paths crossed one day and we have continued to build our relationships over time whether it be around our shared faith in God, our shared passions, our shared values, or even our shared challenges.

We have laughed and cried together, supported each other through difficult times, and rejoiced with each other in our successes. That is not to say that we have not had our differences and agreed to disagree in certain instances. We certainly have. Yet we continue to do life together through every season.

I treasure each of these women for who they are. For what they have achieved. And for what they bring to my life. Not to mention their unconditional love, unwavering support (even when they disagree with me), and their willingness to serve me and help me in whatever way they can along the road to realising my goals and fulfilling my dreams.

Each of them has without question helped to shape me into the woman that I am today. After God and my husband, they are my support system. Handpicked by God. And I am grateful. I’d like to think I have impacted their lives in a positive manner too.

To all the women out there, I trust that whoever you are and whatever your life circumstances may be that you would not only know and experience the love and care of a sister-friend but that you would be able to be that and give that to another.

Happy Woman’s Day (and month)!

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