Life Chain Sunday protesters standing for right-to-life of pre-born babies

[notice]931 248 babies aborted in SA since 1997 — official statistics. [/notice]
Hundreds of pro-life Christians in South Africa are expected to join with hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers worldwide in observing International Life Chain Sunday on October 2.

Official life chain events in South Africa are scheduled in Cape Town, East London, Durban, Johannesburg and Polokwane, where participants will engage in peaceful, prayerful protest against abortion.

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According to official Department of Health statistics, 931 248 babies have been killed by abortion in South Africa since abortion-on-demand was legalised in 1997, says Christian Action Network in a media release today.

The Christian Action Network believes however, that this number could be well over a million – due to outstanding statistics from some provinces in previous years and a possible failure of some hospital officials to accurately record abortions in state hospitals.

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 In a Sunday Times article (25 September), Department of Health spokesperson Fidel Hadebe said more than 21 700 abortions were performed at public hospitals around the country last year, while private clinic Marie Stopes performed 51 185.

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Illegal abortions
Also significant is the likely hundreds of thousands of illegal abortions that have taken place since 1997 by backstreet abortionists. These illegal abortionists operate with impunity in virtually every city and town in South Africa – due to the failure of police and city officials to investigate or make any arrests.

“It can confidently be contended that there are now more illegal abortions occurring than there were before abortion was legalised. This is ironic as the main reason touted for the legalisation of abortion by the ANC was to provide ‘safe’ abortions. More women are having abortions now than ever before. This is exactly what the Christian Action Network warned about in its submissions to Parliament – that the legalisation of abortion would increase the demand,” says Taryn Hodgson, international co-ordinator of the Christian Action Network.

“We grieve for the millions of babies aborted. They are precious children made in the image of God.”

“We grieve too, with the mothers and fathers who are experiencing the physical and psychological consequences of abortion. We want to encourage them that there is forgiveness and healing available through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.”

Abortion holocaust
“The abortion holocaust will have a significant economic impact on this nation – we are killing our future work force – with tax payers’ money! One day there will be more people on pension than paying taxes.”

 The Life Chains recognise the abortion holocaust as one of the greatest evils being committed in the world today.

“When a nation devalues it’s most helpless and innocent citizens and allows them to be slaughtered in their millions, it is no wonder that all other life is treated as cheap. It is an urgent priority for the Church to expose, oppose, and end this genocide of children made in the image of God.”

Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo, writes in a newsletter this week that the most dangerous place in the world is not Iraq or any other country.

“The most dangerous place in the world today is the womb. Pre-born babies are being killed in their mother’s wombs at a greater rate than any other section of society,” says Naidoo.

“A growing number of Christians worldwide are beginning to recognise the abortion holocaust as one of the greatest evils being committed in the world today. It is an urgent priority for the Church to expose, oppose and end this war against innocent children made in the image of God.

“Abortion is the modern equivalent of child sacrifice. Just as God’s people opposed Pharaoh’s decree to murder new born boys in Egypt, so we need to protect pre-born babies from abortion today.

Bible on start of life
“The sanctity of life is an essential article of the Christian faith. The Bible is clear that life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16; Isaiah 44:2; Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:41). The pre-born baby is genetically, physiologically and organically a distinct person. At about three weeks after conception the baby’s heartbeat can be detected. Six weeks after conception and has its own lifelong brainwave.

“If the absence of a brainwave is considered the sign of death, why then is the presence of this brainwave not accepted as confirmation of life? Birth is not a magical act that turns a non-human into a person. Birth is a change in environment for a life that began many months before. Every abortion stops a beating heart, ends a brainwave and is the murder of a helpless human being.”

On previous Life Chain Sundays, more than one million Christians in over 1 400 locations worldwide have stood for the right to life of pre-born babies, says Africa Christian Action.  In this way they have observed the Biblical command to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs 35:8)

Life Chains have been held every year since 1987 in the USA and since 1992 in South Africa.

The Life Chain event arrangements in different centres are:

Cape Town: Sunday 2 October, 2:00 – 4:00pm. Buitengracht Street, near entrance to Waterfront.  Placards will be supplied. Contact: Africa Christian Action: 021 -689 4480 or

East London: Sunday, 2 October, 2:00 – 4:00pm. Meet in Cheltenham Road in front of Clarendon Junior School and proceed to outside Frere Hospital. Car guards on duty. Contact Frans 082 774 6649 or Judy 043 726 9900,

Durban: Saturday, 1 October, 2:00 – 4:00pm. Umhlanga Rocks Drive. Contact Christians for Truth, Nina McNeil: 031 – 702 9503, 073 745 5740 or

Johannesburg: Saturday, 1 October, 10.30am to 12.00pm. Prayer Vigil outside Marie Stopes abortuary, Peter Place, Sandton. Contact: Michelle Joseph: 082 6096 919 or

Polokwane: Sunday 2 October, 2:00 – 3:00pm, Contact: David Frew: 072 2507 031 or

In Port Elizabeth, a group of Christians will be removing illegal abortion posters in the Newton Park area, from 9am to 11am.
Saturday, October 1 · 9:00am – 11:00am. More information on how to join this group is available here.

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