Lift up your heads as your redemption draws near — Angus Buchan

When we look at the situation in the country and indeed the whole world, there is so much confusion, there is so much fear, there is so much uncertainty — what can we do? Well, the Bible tells us very clearly in the Gospel of Luke 21:28 (NKLV) — “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

I have never been one that has prophesied. I don’t see myself as a prophet but I’m also a very practical person, being a farmer and Jesus reminds us again that when you see a fig tree pushing out new leaves, you know that Spring is on its way and when you see these signs in the Earth, know that I’m coming back soon. I am very excited I don’t know when the Lord is coming, but I do know one thing: that there are occurrences happening in the world today that have never ever happened before and therefore we need to lift up our heads.

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I want to really say to you that we as believers need to be like the lighthouse. A lighthouse shines when there are storms at night to show the ships where the rocks are and to encourage the captain to keep the ship far out to sea, so avoiding a potential shipwreck. We need to be shining like the lighthouse for the world, to show the world that God is never ever surprised. He’s never caught unawares; He knows exactly what is happening because He is the Great “I AM” and we are His children. So we should not be perplexed, we should not be confused, we should not be fearful but rather lift up our heads because if we know the Word of God and we know the character and the personality of Jesus Christ, we should be strong, forthright and most of all we should be steady.

The world is not looking for people who are fearful, who are uncertain, who are going nowhere. Remember, the world stands aside for a man who knows where he is going and we know where we are going; we know that for us to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). We are sojourners; this is not our permanent home. We are going home to heaven to be with the Lord forever but while we are here on Earth we continue to lift up our heads because we are people who believe that nothing can happen to us without God’s permission. If that’s the case, then that’s how we must live. It’s no good telling people that God loves them but our actions are denying what we are saying.

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So, let us be those lighthouses in the darkness; let us shine brighter than ever before because the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed coming soon. In fact, I have said it for years: “He’s not coming soon, He is on His way.” I cannot wait for that great day when He comes in the clouds to call us and take us home to be with Him in heaven but in the meantime, we will continue to take one day at a time.

They asked Martin Luther: “If you knew the Lord was coming tomorrow, what would you do today?” He said: “I would plant an apple tree.” There are many apple trees in Germany. What he meant was he would just carry on. Now so are we on the farm, we are carrying on. We are planting cabbages, we are breeding our cattle, we are picking strawberries, we are opening up new land and we are going forward and we are looking forward to the day when the Lord Jesus calls us home. But until then we continue to do what He has told us to do and so we rejoice. We don’t rejoice because people are sick, we don’t rejoice because there is lockdown, we rejoice because the Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8).

God bless you as you continue to lift up your heads and put your trust in Almighty God.

Angus and Jill Buchan

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