Limpopo school revival continues to gather momentum

King’s Court students with Pastor Peter Matlapu in Mokgoba where they participated in a project to build a creche.

[notice]In June Gateway News reported on a move of God that began some months earlier at King’s Court Christian School at Modjadjiskloof, near Tzaneen. Andrew Mullek, a Bible teacher at the school reports that the outpouring is continuing and is impacting other communities.[/notice]

In this follow up article, we praise and thank God for the continued spiritual outpouring that has been taking place at the King’s Court this year. This revival is something that only God could have done. No person can receive credit for what is so clearly the work of God in our midst. We give Him thanks for His hand upon our school this year.

Since we have been experiencing revival, there has been a phenomenal passion and hunger for Jesus. Assemblies have become the students’ favourite part of school, and they almost never finish on time because of the hunger and desire to worship our King Jesus combined with the move of God’s Spirit. Prayer vigils have gone on late into the night with students worshipping God and being ministered to by the presence of the Holy Spirit, by guest speakers, by staff and by each other. These have been wonderful times in His Presence that we will never forget. More and more old students are returning to be blessed and to be a blessing.

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Outreach to Ramokgwakwa School for handicapped children in Kgapane.

We have taken this revival to the primary school for our first ever primary school ministry evening. High school students ministered to children ranging from grade two through grade seven. It was incredible to see the spirit of God come upon young children. Many were weeping before the Lord while others huddled together to pray with their friends. These young children were significantly touched by God’s presence.

High school students are gathering together in cell groups during break times on their own initiative. This week two Grade 8 students began a cell group specifically for their class. Several weeks ago another cell group slept over at school just to spend time prophesying and speaking life over each other. They began at six in the afternoon and were still not finished at one thirty in the morning. This is the fruit of the revival that God has birthed in their hearts.

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Many children have committed their lives to the Lord, been baptised in water and been filled with the Spirit. Children are prophesying, getting visions, praying for the sick and sharing testimonies and words of encouragement on a daily basis. We give God the glory that He is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh (Acts 1:27).

Andrew Mullek baptises a student.
Andrew Mullek baptises a student.

God has opened incredible doors this year for outreach and there have been wonderful testimonies as a result. Margie Hoffman leads our outreach team that weekly goes into a local village (Mokgoba) to minister, as well as to the old age home. We are linked with Pastor Peter Matlapu in Mokgoba, and our students have been raising money through the “Buy A Brick Project” to help build a crèche for the children that his ministry attends to. This project began last year, and has just been completed this week.

What is even more exciting is that we recently had testimonies from this outreach group of deaf ears opening and blinded eyes seeing. The Kingdom of God is indeed upon us, and God is using young people to release His Spirit!

Our children have also been delighted to begin a new outreach to Ramokgwakgwa School for physically and mentally handicapped children in Kgapane. There are over a hundred children attending this school with 300 others on the waiting list. Eighty children and 12 carers were able to come to The King’s Court last Thursday (31 October) for a glory filled “Christmas party” to kick off our relationship with these special children.

Katlego Selathla from King’s Court with children from the Kananelo School for the deaf in Lesotho.

There have been international outreaches to Lesotho and Mozambique as well. Anthony van Zyl, who leads our international outreach efforts and our worship team, commented: “At the beginning of the year, before revival broke out at Gateway and The King’s Court, God told me that it was time to take The King’s Court Worship Team to Lesotho. A date was set, and the vision rapidly began to take shape. As spiritual momentum built up during the course of the year, the reasons for the tour began to become more and more apparent.”

It was incredible to see the way that God opened the door for His gospel when our praise and worship team travelled to Lesotho in September. Our children were invited to sing live on Catholic Radio; they ministered to the orphanage and deaf school connected to the Catholic mission hosting us; they lifted the spirits of an old age home in Midrand; and they were given the chance to minister in two churches in Pretoria.

Perhaps the most meaningful moment came when we went to Mazenod High School in Lesotho. Anthony summed this impactful time up well: “From the time we arrived at the school in the late afternoon, the learners were open to the Gospel and its application in their lives. Groups and huddles of interested learners rapidly formed around us. Questions were asked about the Word, and people began to pray in groups. The concert was an exciting, upbeat event, with Fr Mahlaku, the priest, dancing on stage with the children.” We are so thankful to Fr Mahlaku for reaching across denominational lines for the sake of our King and His Kingdom.

God has put these things into the hearts of the staff and the students and, as a result, we are seeing His kingdom established in our local communities and even into the nations. This is a fulfillment of the prophetic vision of King’s Court to equip students to become Christian leaders who will IMPACT THE WORLD for Jesus. Our school verse declares that nations will come to us as a result of the light within us (Isaiah 60:1-3) and we are seeing what I believe to be the beginning of this biblical declaration.

King’s Court children leading worship after mass at a Catholic mission in Lesotho.

This is just the start. Our students are passionate about God and His Kingdom, and we cannot wait to see the great things that God will do in the school in the months and years to come. It feels as if we have just reached the tip of the iceberg, and I believe that God is going to use our students to spread revival throughout our region, and into the nations.

While this may sound daunting, please understand that this fruit is the result of many students and teachers simply being obedient to what God is doing. God has done the heavy lifting. It is ours to plant and water, but He is the one who brings growth. When we follow His lead and we give people platforms to do the same (including young people) we’ll have a truer understanding that it is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit (Zecheriah 4:6).


  1. Thank you Andrew and André for the report! This is what we have been praying for! ALL GLORY to JESUS for pouring out His Spirit on our sons and our daughters.. May you grown from strenght to strenght. Your’s in Christ. Mother’s Who Care

  2. Thank you Lord what you are doing through the children and teachers at The King’s Court. This report from Andrew reminds me of your words that are recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?” Matthew 21:16

  3. in awe… that’s all I can say

  4. We are absolutely thrilled to hear the amazing news of what is happening at The King’s Court and elsewhere in the schools in South Africa. All over the world the “grown-ups” are responsible for the not-so-good headlines but God has an army in the making – radical young believers in Jesus Christ that are filled with His zeal for the nations!

  5. Hallelujah! Praise our eternal God and Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. May this revival continue to spread throughout our country and may God release His spirit in a way that will change our nation.

  6. (How) has this impacted academic performance, particularly in the STEM subjects?

  7. our wish is to get or see all at school turning to God in reality follow him with all our hearts and do what pleases Him, may the Lord Almighty help us to get through with our childrens knowing God

  8. Real appraciete the teachers and the commity of the church of roman catholic in limpopo hoedsprit london missionary thanks a lots on behalf of parents the good work are doing to develop a better future for our childrens

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