‘Lion roars’ where no lions occur at anointed women’s conference

Martilie Weideman blows a shofar at sunrise last Sunday — but when her husband attempted to video the event, instead of capturing the sound of the shofar he captured what sounds like a roaring lion — a sound which nobody heard at the time.

Each women who attended the “Unlock Your Destiny” women’s Conference in the Meyerton/Vereeniging area last weekend was touched deeply as she was lovingly served the best bread and wine from the beautiful banquet table of Jesus, says one of the conference-goers in a Facebook comment.

And the conference organiser, Maritilie Weideman of Sodezo Ministry Africa agrees, saying that their blessed, first women’s conference came about after she and her husband Adré took a step of obedience and restored a neglected, rubble-strewn property on the banks of the Klip River as a place where the Lord can meet with His children.

“The tangible presence of the Holy Spirit and the change in every person [at the women’s conferene] is worth all the work that we had put into this place for His work! We pray for new open doors. The best is yet to come!” she said.

During the conference weekend one of the women shared a dream — 555 — which Martilie said the Lord showed them referred to triple grace (5 is considered a biblical number for God’s grace and favour to people), to 55.5 (which they understood to point to Isaiah 55: 1 -5 — Surely you shall call a nation you do not know and nations who do not know you shall run to you. Because of the Lord your God, and the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you), and 5.55, which they understood to mean the time 5.55am.

On checking the hour of sunrise the next morning — Sunday February 18 — they discovered it was 5.55am and the women at the conference agreed to meet at the river at that apparently prophetically-ordained time.

At sunrise on the Sunday morning as the women gathered on a balcony overlooking the river, Martilie blew on a shofar and her husband was tasked with capturing the occasion on video.

“My husband thought he took a video of me blowing the shofar but ‘on’ was off and ‘off’ was on, and he took a video of the moment after the shofar,” said Martilie.

That evening she was about to delete the mistimed video, which shows the group of women on the balcony and then focuses on the lawn. But she said she felt a clear impression that she should listen to the video clip and when she did she heard what sounded like a roaring lion. The lion sound surprised her greatly as there were no lions in the area and they had not heard any lion sound that morning — “We just experienced His presence.”

View the surprising video clip below:

Quoting author Larry Sparks — “There is a roar that proceeds out of the fire, producing a people whose reformational impact roars in society”  — she said: “When I heard this roar of the lion, and I knew we did not hear it with our physical ears, I knew there is a message ….. ‘I am sending out my true warriors, true worshippers, true children who know their identity in Me . I will use them were they are to bring reformation and they are going to impact the society where they are,’ ”

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Martilie, who is a photographer and founder of a ministry that has been active in Kenya since 2007, said she has loved the the Lord since the age of 2 and “the spiritual realm to me is as true as the natural realm. I am just myself — I do not want to preach a message — I just want to be a message to the world.”

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