Lisa Bevere – Without Rival: Book Review

Book Review by Wendy Duminy

lisa-bevere-without-rivalIn a world where comparison and competition is encouraged, it can be difficult to remember where your identity lies. Without Rival by Lisa Bevere is a bold reminder that your identity lies in Christ. She focuses on how a revelation of God’s love sets you free from the comparison game. While pointing firmly to how the enemy tries to trap you in the cycle of comparing so that you lose focus of your purpose and identity.

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Without Rival is a poignant reminder that God is unrivalled and therefore, as His daughter, you are unrivalled. With transparency and vulnerability, Lisa Bevere shares the downfalls of comparing and how by flipping rivalry on its head, it can bring out the best in you. As much as there is a focus on identity, the aim of Without Rival is to bring freedom so that you can fulfil your God-given purpose. Through the biblical truths within this book, you are encouraged and empowered to risk for God and boldly speak of His love.

Lisa Bevere is an international speaker, best-selling author and co-founder of Messenger International. Her passion for seeing women living in the fullness of God and being effective, fervent witnesses for Christ is evident throughout Without Rival. If you want to embrace your identity and purpose in an age of confusion and comparison, then Without Rival is a must-read full of prophetic, biblical truths.

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