LISTEN: Amazing Grace fills the air at It’s Time Pretoria

English professional trumpeter Dan Newell plays ‘Amazing Grace’ on the platform at ‘It’s Time Pretoria’. Angus Buchan listens raptly. (LISTEN TO NEWELL PLAYING AMAZING GRACE BELOW).

The sweet sound of God’s grace filled the air at It’s Time Pretoria on Saturday as accomplished British trumpeter Dan Newell played Amazing Grace from the platform.

There was an awed hush over the grounds as Newell, who plays for the  Royal Opera House, London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic Orchestra, trumpeted the hymn composed 240 years ago by slave ship captain-turned clergyman, John Newton.

“Once more, please Sir,” said Angus Buchan, who was at Newell’s side, after he had played a verse which was both soothing and a stirring call to do battle in prayer.

Buchan previously told Gateway News that he met Newell, who is married to a South African, three years ago at Heathrow Airport. Newell played his trumpet at the Sacred Assembly, a mass prayer gathering at the FNB Stadium at Soweto in 2016.

He got onto a plane last Friday night and arrived in South Africa on time to play at It’s Time at Rhino Park Airfield early on Saturday afternoon. That evening he boarded a plane for London where he was scheduled to play in an event on Sunday.

“Do you know that this young man paid is own way to be here. We have no money to give him. He’s come here because he loves Jesus and he loves you,” said Buchan after Newell finished playing for the second time.

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  1. Using his talent to glorify God.

  2. Heartwarming and anointed ! Set the tone for the event in many ways

  3. Amazing Grace on the trumpet made my day!! God bless Dan & his family.

  4. You blessed SOuth Africa Dan!! Thank you!

  5. yvette de jager

    A Summary of Brigette Marx’s vocal report on what she saw in the spirit at It’s Time Prayer Meeting on 27 October 2018

    The fact that a young man, a trumpeter in the London Philharmonic Orchestra, paid his own way to fly out from England to the It’s Time event in South Africa, arriving that morning and returning the same evening after playing his trumpet at the meeting, was a mystery to most people. Only when we learned what took place in the spirit during the brief time that he played “Amazing Grace”, did we understand the significance of this action, the most important outcome of this event. Brigette Marx, prophetic teacher and founder of SA Unite in Christ, explained what she saw in the spirit:
    As millions of people came together to pray in unison at the event and in groups all across our land, a mighty victory in the spirit was accomplished. During the playing of “Amazing Grace” by the trumpeter, Brigette saw rulers and principalities of the evil forces being evicted from the country. These principalities and rulers were brought into South Africa and established in this land through its colonisation by the British. At this time, the root of colonialism – the origin or root cause of the all the racism and conflict over land expropriation, etc. that we currently see in our country – was pulled up and its power annulled.
    The angels appeared without their swords and did not have to fight, as these rulers and principalities surrendered and moved out of South Africa without resisting, knowing that they had been divested of their power. It was not revealed where they went, hopefully not to another country, but rather bound in chains by God until the Day of Judgement.
    Angels then positioned themselves to take up authority in the spirit, signifying that South Africa was now under another government, another rulership in the spirit. All the evils of rebellion, corruption, etc. that emanated from colonialism and manifested in the previous government had to be uprooted.
    To do this, God had to use the correct person, an original offspring, a descendant of the British people, who came out from England to establish a British Colony, a British government or rule in South Africa. The English trumpet player had the authority to stand on behalf of his forefathers. As he released the sound of Amazing Grace over the land, the root of colonialism was broken and replaced with what he brought to South Africa – grace – AMAZING GRACE!
    This was the most significant outcome of the meeting and brings high hopes for the future of our country. God has given us a strategy to keep the territory gained through this event and we need the whole body of Christ to take up their guarding positions and to watch and pray in order for us to successfully defend and fortify South Africa from the enemy on a permanent basis.

  6. Praise the Lord God is in control
    There will be a might spiritual break through