LISTEN: SA worship movement’s ‘Send Me Lord’ rings true in these times

VH Voices of Heaven members, from the left,  Adelaide Mabusela,Tracy Ronalds, Kwazi Thusi, Florinah Phokungwana and Pitsi Manthata, with Pastor E Kiluba (sitting)

Throughout generations music has been used as a voice to fight for justice, to spread love, to entertain, even to incite negative lifestyles, like violence.

VH Voices of Heaven see themselves as a move of revival whose mission is to make music for God in the earth.

VH is a movement of worship born in 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the University of the Witwatersrand, among a multicultural group of young people from Jesus Christ To all Languages (JTL) ministries, with a passion to see the earth baptised in the fire of true worship — worship that cuts across gender, race, culture, tribe and nation in order to win hearts to the love of God which is manifest in Jesus for their salvation.

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With humble beginnings ministering on their campus and church, VH Voices of Heaven’s reach and ministry now extends beyond the four walls of their church to the rest of South Africa and the world.

Their latest single Send Me Lord was written by Pastor Ebenezer Kiluba who is the founder of the music group. The song was born from one of their prayer services and is inspired by a passage in Isaiah 6.

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Isaiah was already gifted but he had his own ambition with his prophetic gift until he encountered the vision of the heavenly sanctuary and he was sanctified from his ambitions for the restoration of Israel as a nation and given revelation to prophesy about the Messiah.

“Send Me Lord is a message of awakening to purpose and assignment. Its release is even more relevant now as the world battles with the Covid-19 pandemic. That regardless of what we are facing, if there are available people to serve, to encourage, to cure, to speak hope and work for the goodwill of others; together, the change will come,” says Kwazi Thusi from VH Voices of Heaven.

Send Me Lord echoes the commitment of President Cyril Ramaphosa. When he took office last year and said that every citizen must seek for ways to serve South Africa. Thuma Mina is a Zulu phrase meaning, “Send Me.”

Tracy Ronalds says: “ It was a good thing to hear the president resonate with a biblical principle of being available to serve and to be sent. His context is definitely political but ours is spiritual and we used the famous slogan in context of our heart for the salvation of this nation. The goal of the song is to awaken people to the need for salvation in South Africa.

“All the ills we see in this nation, from corruption to abuse in households, poverty, inequality, racism, xenophobia can be ended by the change of heart which is only possible in Jesus Name.”

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke inspired a generation and a continent with his vision statement “Africa will Be Saved”. VH Voices of Heaven start their song with: “South Africa will be saved! The Holy Spirit must come down! South Will Be Saved!”

With a sound reminiscent of Vicky Sampson My African Dream VH Voices of Heaven echoes what I believe is the heart’s cry of every believer during this time. As the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ we are commissioned to go out to all the world and be the light.

It is the desire of the Father that His children bring light where there is darkness. To bring liberty to those that are bound and to bring hope to the hopeless. He desires that we might be compassionate to the needs of those who are destitute and lonely. To be there for the orphan and the widow.

Amidst all this need is a great harvest. Jesus said that the labourers are few. The question is who will go, VH Voices of Heaven have answered the call and have given the Body of Christ music that calls one to action…The lyrics of this song ring true especially during the tumultuous times we live in…Send Me Lord! Send Me Lord. Lord have your way. Take away selfish pursuits and reveal your mission in me.

Listen to Send Me Lord on Youtube:


The song is also available at:




Google Play


  1. Wonderful! Thank you so much

  2. Reabetswe Molete

    A voice anointed and sent by God to awaken the nations to salvation! God bless you Voices of Heaven!

  3. Paulina Koketso Sithatu


  4. Constance Mmako

    Thank you VH…we are truly blessed and encouraged by your voices.

  5. Oh wow this is wonderful, The lord will take you far

  6. God bless VH, and may He continue to use you as you took up the call of the great commission ?

  7. Worship, perhaps the most powerful weapon of the Church. May the earth be full of His praises as men and women worship Him in song, in spirit and in truth. Your songs VH and the words are a blessing. Thank you.

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